May 27, 2005 17:19
Im so confused **shakes head and yells out at the sky** GWAR! I love her....I really do...but this waiting is taken a does not make me have "second thoughts", it's tearing up my insides thats all. But it's not like I can't take it, it's been like this for so long. I can hold out for years letting it tear away, but I hope it wont take years. But speaking of women, I love Noir Love stories, like the story of Max and Mona in "Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payen" yes I am talking about a video game, but it's story of their love paved on a road of blood and death is so...beautiful... The darkness of it makes it such a good twist of love. It's like a weird blend that is perfect together. Like Pickles and Ice Cream, God, I believe I am mad. But Mad I may be, but my mind runs through ideas to make this world better. SO of the most crazy people were the best....Insanity makes people have more flavor to them and their lives........You know what else I like? The idea of Ying/Yang, that for every good there is an equal evil! Evil and Good...the greatest battel other then the battle for someone's heart and WARRRR!!!
War, people think im such a bad man cause im pro war. I have so many strong views on things, I belive in so much. But many people think I am a monster, and that pisses me off. Cause so might say Im a half way decent guy, but becuase of my ideas I am a bad man. Who cares though? I mean most of the people who label me a bad person do not deserve whore who suck strangers off and a whole lot of them! HAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAAHHAHHA!!!!! See, thats a thing I fight against. I have no problem with sex, but's it's people who treat is like it's a thing with no emotion! That's bullshit, it should have emotionaly value and it does not! How gross is that!God needs to kill them off, they waste air and food, their use in life is beling fucking sluts, and they have the intellegents of a fucking rock! I hate them...I hate them all!!!!! Bah, need to calm down, but I dunno.....hmp.....oh well...... MY SONG OF THE NIGHT:
Sad Statue
Conquest to the lover
And your love to the fire
Permanence unfolding in the absolute
Forgiveness is the ultimate sacrifice
Eloquence belongs to the conqueror
The pictures of time and space are rearranged
In this little piece of typical tragedy
Justified candy
Brandy for the nerds
Eloquence belongs to the conqueror
You and me
We’ll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree
You and me
We’ll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree
I forgot to
I forgot to let you know that
Justified Candy
Brandy for the nerds
Eloquence belongs to the conqueror
Conquest to the lover
And your love to the fire
Permanence unfolding in the absolute
Forgiveness is the ultimate sacrifice
Eloquence belongs to the conqueror
You and me
We’ll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree
You and me
We’ll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree
What is in us that turns a deaf ear to the cries of human suffering?
Suffering, suffering now
You and me
We’ll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree
You and me
We’ll all go down in history
With a sad Statue of Liberty
And a generation that didn't agree
Belonging to