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Mar 15, 2006 23:27

Sry that i havent updated in a long time again..hehe i always end up forgettin...i done my journal over, once again
i dont even know how many more times i will change this thing..lol

anywho....how is everyone? im doin pretty good actually, everything has been goin pretty good for me here lately
which is a very good thing :-)

cheerleadin is comming up soon! YAY*
miss Danica will be our new captain and Yours Truely is going to be co-captain!!
even tho im going to miss all the cheerleaders that arent comming back...(shout outs to them)

Al- you pushed us so hard and everyone,including me, took it the wrong way sometimes...even tho if u hadnt we wouldnt ever have been as good as we were...i will miss u wo very much..goodluck in everything that you do in life

Lydns-me u and nica have had some wild and crazy times..*evil looks for the camera!* i honestly am so very greatful to have gotten to know u...ur truelly special to me and i wont ever forget u

Danica-shew what do i even say about u..lol..i have known u most of my life, but i never imagined that we would still be great friends and get to spend alot of highschool together..all look now we get to take over the squad together..WOW

Morgan- i dont really know you all that well but from what i do know ur a very sweet person and a great one to be around. i'm so glad u decided to become a cheerleader, because if u didnt i wouldnt have even gotten the chance to know ...

Whitney-omg...im  at a lose of words for u..lmao your absolutely insane! ur funnier than hell to be around and u always put a smile on all of our faces...i think i can speal for all of us when i say that it was a very great experience with u on the squad, not to mension a very unique one..  :-D

Sash-HAHA we were always friends, but we became sooo close it wasnt even funny! i loved spending so much time with u *like everyday* lol..i miss you so very much its not even funny..what im trying to say is that i dont know how i could have done it without you, you have helped me through some pretty rough times and made me laugh when i wanted to die! thanks babe

Alesha- lol we have had some great moments at practices and games...mostly the little blonde moments we have..lol
your a very amazing person and a great friend who i dont think i could live without...im soo glad u moved here and that we got the chance to be best friends!

Last but not least Shelly- our wonderful coach..who didnt ever give up on us when we all were ready to give up on our selves..you never let me or any of the other girls down! i know that we all thought of u as more than our coach...our best friend!


i have to give my very best friend a shoutout too!
of course the love of my life Nathan- i dont even know where to begin, i dont even know how it all started out...i mean we said hey at break and an occasional hug, sometimes i would be in Food City when u were working and i would come and talk to u, and then we went to the movies as pretty much strangers and look at how we are now! u have no idea how much i love and care about u! u honestly mean the world to me.. i dont think i could ever say or type enought to tell u how much u mean to me and no matter how bad i feel or how depressed i am, all i have to do is think about u and i smile for no reason... u make me soo happy at the worst times ..ur honeslty my very best friend and u know that i would do anything at all for u!
thank you soo much for everything..I LOVE YOU PUMPKIN TITS!
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