Dear Obama, Can you get me a job now? Love, Christina

Jan 20, 2009 20:37

Happy Inaugural Day :)

I've been spending a good amount of time job hunting and applying for positions.. and still no luck. :(

What do I hate the most about it? ..besides not having a nice job and utilizing my degree? Cover letters!!!! Bloody frikkin' cover letters. I like applications and filling out stuff about myself, but cover letters require so much more effort, and dare I say, bullshitting?

I thought I wouldn't get tired of it, but after having written a handful, it gets really tedious! I don't have a boilerplate cover letter because I refuse to send a generic cover letter to employers (plus, that's not practical, right? ..especially if the employer requires specific things) so I customize every single one I write.. *sigh*.. it whomps.

I think what makes it suck all the more is that, despite putting so much effort into a cover letter, employers just refuse to e-mail or contact me to tell me whether the position's been filled or not. I know everyone hates rejection, but I don't hate it as much as not having closure. At least humor me... PLEASE!? :(

Well, I can't say that I haven't gotten a few rejection e-mails, but at least those people were classy enough to send me one, and not leave me hanging. I know, I know.. I should be following up, but how does a person follow up when no contact info is posted on a Craig's list listing and the Craig's list e-mail is expired? Boo, you guys are cowards!

Le *sigh* ... I guess I'll be spending more time at the condom mines.. Yes, seriously, I work for a condom company... and yes, they're actually good. hahah!!

more ish later, suckaaaaz!
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