May 31, 2005 22:03
if this past weekend is a preview of this summer, this summer is going to be unforgettable…
Sooo…Friday night I hung around the house and got some work done on my English final project wooooo
Saturday nightt…Tamara and I saw Little Shop of Horrors, then ventured off to Applebees woo
Sunday…Tamara n I decided it was tooooo nice out for us to sit home and do nothing sooo we went to el park and played with el frisbee from el PSU!! Hehe
Sunday night…Team America with a bajillion people at Andrew’s which was mucho funn b/c they’re awesome and stuffers
Monday…BEACH with Tamz, Nicoooole, and Babss where we subjected Babs to rock therapy/torture and Nicole called everyone a whore anytime they attempted to speak lol gooood times
Aaaaaaaaandd then!
We headed to Friendly’s, where we had one cool waitress, whose secret identity was Tamara and vise versa…yeah, we figured it out cuz we’re just ingenious!!!
…and that was my weekend and it was loverly! Thank you, my friends, for making it stupendous!!!