May 07, 2007 13:18
Its funny how little things can bring people together. For instnace, Desperate Housewives. I can always count on my mom and little brother to be right in fron of the tv, every sunday at exactly 9:00pm. We all get frustrated when the commercials come on and when they leave you with the cliff hanger, we all hit the nearest thing around. Then we talk about what we think is going to happen on the next one. Im really glad we have that, that hour i know that we will always make time to watch together.
Im am thankful everyday for my big family. Sometimes though its hard, not hard to be thankful, just hard to deal with.
I just had to break up a cat fight. My grandmother moved into the apartment we built for her that is attached to our house. She has a cat and we have 3 and somehow her cat got in our house, they duked it out. This of course sent my grandmother into a frenzy because she thinks of her cat as a child, and i mean i cant blame her, im sure she gets pretty lonely.
9 days left.
i cant wait to move to tallahassee.