Feb 23, 2005 02:59
hello all. happy hump day! =P so i'm a little t.oed at the lovely mr. danic (my bio teacher) because of a couple comments he made today. now i do like mr. danic most of the time & today he was in a good mood so all was fine until towards the end of the hour he made a comment about helen keller & was making fun of her speech. then he said a deaf joke about how they talk & making fun of them. now for those of you who don't know, my dad is deaf in one ear & getting there in the other, my uncle tony is completely deaf & therefore doesn't talk like the rest of us, cuz um he can't hear, my uncle john is deaf in one ear & my aunt chris is deaf in one ear. did mr. danic stop to think that maybe his little deaf jokes would offend anyone? guess not. i was so shocked i didn't say anything but my mom told me to say something tomorrow. nothing rude, just the fact that what he said offended me. moving right along.. today we turned in our schedules. i'm excited for taking phsycology next year & mythology. yesterday me & britt set the date for when she's coming up! i'm so excited & i can't wait. easter sunday we're meeting her half way & she's staying for a week. whoot whoot. RTP7 will also be over spring break so look forward to that. on march 6th is trinity's coffee house & this friday is free methodist's house party so those should be delightful. welp that's my update-over & out.