Nov 04, 2008 20:33
I'm sure everyone and their mother is about to make a post, if they haven't already, about this momentous election. But I had some thoughts I felt needing saying. For 8 years now, and to some extent a little more than that, I have been feeling sad about the country I live in. I love the origins of this country, I love the ideals it was founded on, but I have not been proud at our actions.
As a child I was made to believe that such things as racism and the mistreatment of any group of people was a thing of the ignorant past, as I grew up I found that wasn't so and we were living with a delusion of superiority. I have watched as we have found new colors of skin to hate as well as detailing who can and cannot get married.
Now I don't feel as sad or depressed anymore, now I feel there is hope. It's a strange feeling to realize that we can actually prove that we can live up to the ideals that we profess. No more will I feel that we are necessarily hypocrites. This probably seems sappy to some, maybe even trite, but this means so much to me, as I'm sure it means so much to others, and it gives a hope separate from the hope professed by the Obama campaign.
I'm not a Democrat, I'm not a Republican, but I did vote for a Democrat and I have never felt prouder. In any case, I hope you all feel the same as I do.