Mar 31, 2005 18:02
you knoe what gets me sooo fucking mad?!,okay,like you have a WHOLE group of friends rite?!, but i guess
they all dont "like" each-other....but you being a good friend,you talk to all of them,and you dont pick
sides and what not. cus your a good friend,but there is always 2-3 people that dont ever like ech other in
the group. and they go of with one perosn and talk shit,because you BEING THE GOOD FRIEND are hanging out
with the person that they dont like!?...i mean c'mon...we're almost in hi-skool,and im kinda getting over
this bull-shit,it gets kinda tiring :/....IM OVER IT!...just because YOU dont like them, dosent
neccasarily mean I dont have to like them either!?....
ughhh...what over it.