Mar 09, 2005 18:58
wow,we had NRT's today!...wut lozers! thats like so freakin lame.i hate testing! but its whatever now cus it was the last BIG TEST of the year,or something?! idk. wut ever. but i had a preety good day 2-day. it was an "A-day" so i had math 1st period Jewlery Making 2nd,but i didnt get to go to either one of those today cus of N.R.T,and then we got to go to 30 minutes of 3rd and i had Ballroom and we watched "Shall we dance" (some ballroom movie)it was alrite i guess,and then we went to 4th peroid,our last period, which for me was Science and Dr.Landers our science teacher just talked to us for like the only thirty minutes we had in there.our scehdule was like all messed-^.but its ok.i have soccer practice 2-morrow.yesss!.oh yea ,and me and jeaneth, My Boo <33333,we are gunna walk to Wendy's! yaaay!.well i gotta go do something i guess i'll write 2-morrow!