people are asses.

Mar 19, 2010 22:46

it's totally beyond me how someone can take one look at another person, or hear one sentence come out of their mouth, &assume they know everything about that person. like, looking at a person you don't even know &thinking "you're emo" or "you're gay" or "you're a whore." i don't get why people judge others when they haven't met them or talked them &don't know anything about their character/personality. i can only be myself, &i really don't give a shit what's said about me, but if you percieve me the wrong way, that's your own fucking problem &there's nothing i can do about that.

also, i don't get how someone can say they "love you" &then break your fucking heart into a million pieces just a few months later. the people i love are people who have stayed with me through good &bad times, laughed with me, cried with me &always listened to what i have to say. also, they're just genuinely nice, amazing people. if you want my love, you have to work for it. [i'm not just talking about boyfriends/relationships, i mean friends too, just people in general.] i would be more offended if you talked shit about someone i love, than i would be if you talked shit about me.

if you actually sat there &read my rant, you win a cookie for being awesome :D <3


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