almost over.

Dec 09, 2004 21:45

its almost friday. yay! well. a boring day at school. then i had to go to my orthodonist appoitment. and afterwards mommy and i went out to dinner. i have a book report due tomrrow and so we had to stop at cvs and get poster board and my compeition make-up for saturday. BRIGHT red lip gloss, my mother called it whore lip gloss, ugh! how rude. I was supposed to go get a tan today but noo, they closed by the time we finally got there. and tomrrow i am debating weather i should get a mystic tan cuz i realli dont wanna be orange. and since i didnt go in the tanning bed today, just going tomrrow will do absoutly nothing. how complicated. i have to go finish my adorable book report poster about the gayest book ever. ttyl. <3.
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