Dec 05, 2004 19:08
gosh! whats with teachers.the project i have due tomrrow took me 8 freaking hours. all saturday and sunday. that is absoutly ridiculous! i knee still hurts =(. im just going to get over it though but im afraid ill make it worse by tumbling on it on tuseday and wednesday and volley ball. this is not what i need right now. ugh. im so freaking bored. i just ate taco bell. and did you know there going to bulid one next to mc donalds. thats soo awesome! i <3 taco bell! this weeks dead week. i really wish you could excempt exams in middle school. im going to go do something with the rest of my day. i <3 ya'll bunches. and o yes..the "hear you me" by jimmy eat world is one of my new favorite songs. its soo sweet n sad.