Nov 29, 2004 19:38
hmmm...well, today was ok. things went a lil werid tho. we got 2 ride a non-crappy bus on the way there and the way home from skool today! skool was boring always. i was super hyper in the morining tho. we had SILENT MATH in 1st gay, it wuz cuz we had a stupid sub. Im so tired of hearing things i dont wanna hear i juss wanna shove my face into a pillow a cover my ears and scream forever. people think its halirious, fun, w/e but some of the rumors i hear i just cannot belive what those people must go through day after day of being called a bitch, slut, whore...and on and on. i seriously dont wanna kno who did what with who. cuz thats what hear, and i juss wanna be likk SHUT ^, i dont care!! well thats it for today. later. <3.