Jun 16, 2005 10:13
dude i havent updated this in almost like a week. gosh
hm well its thursday.
on sunday i went over kristas & we went swimming. then we went to blockbuster & rented boogeyman & white oleander. then she slept over. then on monday we pretty much went like swimming and watched white oleander and whatever. so yeah. then monday night i slept over rachaels. we watched 1/2 of boogeyman. rachael almost shit herself. lololol. and i kept falling asleep. hm yeah. then on wednesday me and rachael went to philly. when we got there [ to my gpops ]we went back to sleep. i slept until like 93O but she was up before me so idk when she got up. so we got ready and whatever then we went to my nannys and gave her a bday card and hung out there until like 1O. then we went back to my gpops and we went to the nail salon and rachy got her nails done. then we went back to my gpops for like 10 minutes and we went to starbucks. on our way back from starbucks my mom called me and asked me if we wanted to meet her for lunch. so we took the bus up to her office. lmao i was so excited i was like YES THE BUS !! and rachael was like eh yes. the bus. lolol. so when we got there we sat in her office for about 1O minutes then we went to some place called the 4 seasons for lunch. it was pretty good. lolol steven brown called me and i was like mm yes kbye. mm then we went to some like store thing on our way back. it was really cute. and my mom & rachael were gonna get these rings & i was gonna get this necklace but then my mom was like eh well come back. so yeah. and then my mom went back to work and me and rachael walked around center city just like looking around through stores and whatever. it was pretty sweet. then we came home. then wednesday night my cousin slept over and yeah. we went swimming yesterday and mm whatever. lolol yeah and then we drove him back home last night and i went tanning and whatever. then i was up in amandas room talking to her. mm yes after i got back from tanning i was hanging out w/ vincent & the boyscout. lmaoo . i miss that. haha we were like bff . anyways yeah then we came home and i was on the comp. and i watched 1/2 of napoleon dynomite w/ ant. lolol well i watched it and so did he and we interacted during it . lmao it was funny. lol then i got really tired and i went to sleep at like 123O. and he had a headache like the size of africa. so yeah. then this morning vincent woke me up. and my gpops here. so im gonna like . go swimming or do something