Apr 04, 2006 20:39
I think i'm love-sick. like seriously.
i got a sick earlier.. but it might have been the medicine.. i didnt take it with food so.. yeah.
i took a 2 hour nap just to get my mind off things. and i never take naps.
Of course i didnt get much sleep last night either. Todd said a couple of things that i didnt wanna hear..
he wasnt saying it out of anger either. he was being honest..
it made me upset.. REALLY upset and i started crying..
i thought he would've stayed on the phone with me to make me feel better.. since thats what he does with his other friends..
but he didnt know what was wrong with me. so he yelled at me one time. i dont even rememeber about what..
that made me feel worse. when we got off the phone, i needed to talk to him again. i tried to get in touch with him, but he turned off his cell phone..
today he got mad at me. he wont even tell me why. I found out that he's been flirting.. and yeah i still get jealous. but im not gonna say anything to him about it.
the last thing i need is another fight..
he said he's gonna be at tech theater til 12:00 tonight.. thats hard to believe cuz he said that last night too..
but he got home about 11:15. hopefully he'll get home earlier though..
maybe all i need to do is leave him alone and maybe things will get better.
maybe he wont want to be "just friends" anymore..
all of this just hit me last night when he said "you know we're just gonna be friends now, right?"
i lost him and its my fault.
now i dont know if he'll ever change his mind..
sorry for sounding so depressing.. but i want him back.. :[