Apr 10, 2007 21:38
- Go to www.IMDB.com and look up 10 of your favorite movies.
- Post three official IMDB "Plot Keywords" for these 10 picks. [You can click "more"]
- Have your friends guess the movie titles.
1. fat suit, old friends, pop star (2005)
2. handcuffs, execution, dynamite (2005)
3. synergy, advertising, boss (2004)
4. perfect crime, mormon, explosion (2001)
5. demonic grin, end of the world, good versus evil (2001)
6. mathematician, schizophrenia, rock band (2005)
7. drug rehab, riot, funeral (2005)
8. noose, music box, bittersweet (2004)
9. jail, publicity, diary (2002)
10. hippie, table tennis, shrimp (1994)