Oct 06, 2005 21:26
Hey * I figured it was time for an update! Well this week was hOmecOming week =) It was sO HiLaRiOuS ;)
tOmOrrOw is blue -&- white day !!I can't wait * TomOrrOw is when we get tO decOrate Our rOOm fOr hOmecOming! I had basketball practice tOnight*We had tO run a lOt,but it wasn't really bad since I've basically ran all summer*Where I had sOftball and basketball I gOt used to running!Well tOday was hat day and I wOre Kara's cOwgirl hat that had like twO hOles in it!!I can't wait until tOmOrrOw night,it it gOing
tO be sO AwEsOmE*Saturday I have sOme ballgames in Gate City that mOrning,then when I cOme back hOme I think I'm prObably gOing tO gO tO Kara's hOuse and stay the night!So that's all for this update. . . . sO
leave sOme cOmments* =)
KaRa : AwWwW . . . see he really dOes care!Just give him a chance* We are gOnna have sO much fun this weekend* Haha remember tOday I wUv yOu* LoL
DaViD : yOu were pimpin' tOday in that afrO*haha GoOd luck with Laura ;)