Jun 04, 2005 09:56
Cedar Point--->
When we first got to the park is was like 9 30ish so i went back with my sister to the employees only thing bc she worked there and im allowed back there bc im sweet like that 8) so i just met everyone and at like 9 50ish i went in line for the raptar with my other sister. I heart that ride <3
Next we went on the Millenium and it was only like a 45 min wait. After the Millenium we were walkin around bc we couldnt find my mom and she had our cell phones so we couldnt call her =P then we found out she was right by the exit =P then we went on the magnum and it was only a 15 min wait. after me and my sister went on the disaster transport (the indoor rollercoaster) then we played the skirting water race thingy game and the guy there knows my sister and he was like lets see if danielles sister will win..and i did. and since im so awesomely sweet i got to pick any color i wanted in the animal. and i so got a pink care bear 8)then we had to go back to the employee thing bc my sister owed my mom money. 8) then we went to johnny rockets and had to wait a half hour before we could sit down. Its so fascinating watch them dance while we eat =P after we ate we went on the magnum again.then we went on the old fashioned cars with my mother bc she doesnt like rollercoasters. after we met up with my cousin his friends and my sister. My cousin and his friends made these shirts and this one that his friend was wearing said IM THE BEST RIDE AT CEDAR POINT and everyone was getting it airbrushed and wanted to take pics with him =P then this one guy came up to him and asked him if he could ride him =P haha. wow. then we went on the gay swings. after we went on the raptar AGAIN =) then we went on the wicked twister and while we were waiting in line we were watching the diving people at one of those show things. After the wicked twister we went in line for the dragster and it was only 1 hour wait =D i was scared then not scared. i kept going back and forth then when we got to the platform i was Terrified! then i met this kid and me and him were going to piss our pants. lmao. then when i got on it i was closing my eyes =P so i didnt know when we were going to take off. then When we got on the hill 2 secs later (literally) i put my hands up!! haha then when we stopped i was Like ME MARISSA PAIGE MEEHAN put her hands up on the dragster =) then my mom had to get the picture. which i would post in here but i look horrible =) then my sisters me my cousin and his 2 friends went on the power tower. bc it was like a 5 min wait =P then we all went on the Millenium. grr the millenium bugs me bc they take so freaking long to put ppl on carts and they take too long to say clear! >=0 after the millenium it was likr 9 30 or sumthing so we started walking back to the front and we took those thingys that take you to the front. then when we got there my sister me and one of ym cousins friends went on the raptar bc it was right there. So i went o nthe raptar 3 times =) so then after we left =( and we got home at 12 45ish. But it was fun.