Jun 09, 2005 03:48
well i really haven't updated in a hott minute!! well as we all no summer is here =) ( can u feel it, i sure can!!! ) well wednesday i went to gradutaion which was veryy long. .about 1500 kids graduated time 5 ppl to each family =0... lets jsut sayy there were thousands of ppl there!! it ended around 5:30 and as i was walkin out i saw richie, mike, sharday, valerie, gus, johnny g, nino (but he didn't reconize me) went to samuri but it was too packed and ended up goin to p.f changs it was pretty good.. janiks older sis dropped me off at home and that was that.. (btw; haven't seen my boyfriend in about a week :: angered:: ) anyways thursday went to nattys after gettin the bf a graduation gift.. i saw monster in law damn thatmovie was toor aw u gotta go check it out! friday didn't do anything but stay in cuz i was sick (lil lala wanted to come but i was to sick to do anything) saturday i went to work was supposed to go to modelos getty but couldn't i was soo sick and tired i couldn't sunday went to work wasn't that bad but still... monday-wednesday i haven't done shit but stay home and eat shit.. this myspace is soo damn addicting!!i was lyk wht the flipp does everyone have one for? now i no why.. well its the new thing... hopefully leyla and i go to the party tomorrow =) im really looking forward to that.. other than that.. i've bin chillin at the cribb witth nobody home and nothing to do.. hopefully my summer gets better? sorry its not a long entry but nuttin new is happening?? besos
im out like a fat kidd in dodgeball