Jul 14, 2008 16:10
About MEEE
My names Tiffany.
I am eventually going to make this my selling journal.
Ive been saying that for a while but so far all I have been doing is buying.
I absolutely adore anything JUICY COUTURE.
I already have 7 JC purses, 3 pairs of sweat pants, 2 Jackets, 5 T-Shirts, and tons of accesories.
Im slowly collecting pretty much anything they make.
As of now I only accept/send concealed cash.
When I finally get some stuff on here, I will accept trades. That is if you have stuff on my want list.
Please, only send stuff if it is in GOOD condition.
Please keep in touch.
Pretty much anthing Juicy Couture. Esp- purses & necklaces
Paris Hilton Lotion.
Make-up bags.
Designer make-up (prefer new but will accept barely used)
Update more later <3333