
Aug 01, 2006 15:46

Title: Distraction
Rating: PG-13, to be safe
Parings: Mainly Ron/Hermione, but also a little Harry/Ginny
Warning(s): Contains a slightly sexual situation
Disclaimer: It's Jo's world. I just live in it.
Summary: Hermione is desperate to talk to Ron before Bill and Fleur's wedding is over, but keeps being interupted, and has to take drastic measures. Inspired by the song "I Think We're Alone Now", by Tommy James and the Shondells.

"Hermione? Hermione!" Ginny spoke sharply, cutting into Hermione's revere.

"Huh?" Hermione said dumbly, turning her attention from where she had been staring. "Sorry. What were you saying?"

"You're serious?" she stated, not really making it a question. She stared at Hermione for a few moments, her eyes blazing. "You can't unglue your eyes off from my stupid brother for two whole minutes while I ask you for advice? I swear, you're pathetic."

"Thanks. That makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside," Hermione replied sarcastically, running her bright pink napkin through her fingers.

The two of them sat at an unoccupied round table covered with a frilly pink lace tablecloth, and with six matching chairs surrounding it. They sat under a pure white tent that stood erected in the Burrow's yard. Beautiful white candles were aglow and floating mid-air, clustered over the tables. They stood on a hardwood dance floor that Mrs. Weasley had conjured that morning. Near the edge of the tent was the long food table, covered in the same lacy tablecloth, and overflowing with food. The band stood on the platform near the food table, strumming up a slow ballad.

Hermione looked across the dance floor, every now and then catching a glimpse of Ron when someone passed by. As she watched him now, he sat chatting with Harry. Bill and Fleur passed by for a moment, and then she saw Harry glance up at her. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley passed by now, and she saw both Harry and Ron looking at her, a smile playing on Ron's lips. Hermione quickly turned her attention back to Ginny, feeling her herself blushing madly.

But Ginny was standing up, straightening her dress. "Where are you going?" Hermione asked indignantly.

"To find Tonks," Ginny replied, stumbling slightly in her high heels. "I thought I just saw her. Maybe she'll actually listen to me." Hermione gaped at her as she walked away. She really did look pretty; her sleek red hair was pulled back into an elegant pony tail, and she had on her white bridesmaid sundress, decorated with pink flowers that matched the tablecloths. The pink really did clash with her hair, although not in a bad way. But once Fleur had set her mind on that dress, there was no changing it.

I bet Harry feels terrible, thought Hermione. Earlier, at the ceremony, Harry couldn't take his eyes off Ginny, staring at her so obviously that it made Ginny shift uncomfortably and visibly blush, a rare occurrence on Ginny's part. He was watching her now, as she made her way through the crowd.

Hermione stared down at the tablecloth, her chin resting on her hand, her fingers drumming against her cheek. Ginny had convinced her to use Sleekeazy's on her hair that morning, that it would be worth the time, and it now resided in a ponytail almost identical to Ginny's. She wore a light blue halter sundress that hit just above her knees, and white heels. She remembered the look on Ron's face when she stepped off the last step into the kitchen. He stared at her open-mouthed, completely at a loss for words. The thought of it brought a smile to her face.

And then, she remembered something else; they were leaving tomorrow for the Dursley's, the beginning of the Horcrux hunt. It was only days after Dumbledore's funeral, when Ron had held her while she cried, and they still hadn't been alone together long enough to talk about it. And before she could even think what she was doing, she was up and making a beeline straight to where he sat with Harry. But she suddenly felt a hand on her arm that jolted her back to her senses, and she turned to see Phlegm-er, Fleur- smiling at her.

"Oh, hello," said Hermione politely, flashing a smile. "Congratulations, again!"

Fleur grinned. "Thank you, again!" She paused for a moment. "And also, I wanted to thank you for coming to ze wedding."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world," Hermione said anxiously, glancing over her shoulder quickly.

"You look very pretty tonight," she smiled. Hermione smiled back.

"Thank you, as do you," Fleur nodded. "Sorry, if you'll excuse me." She slipped through the crowd again, heading for Ron, when she collided into Fred.

"Ah, Hermione!" he slurred, slopping firewhiskey down his front. "Care for a drink?"

"No, thank you," she said, quickly ducking under his arm.

"Hermione!" she heard Ginny call. "Have you seen Tonks?"

"No," Hermione said, not looking up.

"Oh, Hermione," Mrs. Weasley said. "Are you having a good time?"

"Yes, it tastes wonderful," Hermione replied. She dived through a crowd of people, ending up standing between Harry and Ron, panting slightly.

"Are you okay?" Ron asked her, watching her chest heave up and down.

"Yes, I'm fine," she breathed. "Is it okay if I have a quick chat with you? Alone?" Ron shot a smirk at Harry, who returned it, sending a twang of annoyance through Hermione. Ron stood up.

"Yeah, sure," he said, smiling down at her. She almost melted. He looked so handsome, with a loose black suit covering his body, and his black tie loosened down so his collar was open. He had even more freckles than usual from the sun, and his short red hair was ruffled around his ears.

"Okay, good," she said. They were just about to leave when Tonks appeared.

"Hermione, have you seen Ginny?" she asked.

"Yeah, she was looking for you over by the food table," she replied. As soon as Tonks left, Hermione headed out from underneath the canopy, watching the sun winking at her with it's last sliver as it sunk below the horizon. She heard Ron just to her side, and she felt her heart quicken it's pace.

"Here, let's have some more privacy," he told her, pointing them to a patch of bushes nearby that started the wood.

Ron stood in front of her, with his hands in his pants pockets, watching her. "So..."

"Yeah," Hermione said in a shaky voice. She took a breath to try and steady her voice, which worked a bit. "I've been meaning to talk to you about something." Just then, they heard a shout.

"Hermione! Where are you?" Ginny yelled.

"Dear God, I can't get a break!" whispered Hermione. "You know what, screw this.." She slipped off her heels, and threw them aside. "Come on." She grabbed his hand and ran into the shelter of the trees.

"Where are we going?" Ron asked, panting and ducking from underneath branches.

"Don't know," Hermione replied.

"I got a place," Ron said, pulling her arm to the right, making her squeal. Ron laughed as they ducked under another branch, and then suddenly...they came to a clearing.

"Amazing..." Hermione whispered, her eyes widening as she looked around her. She slipped her hand out of Ron's as she slowly stepped forward, the fresh grass soothing her splintered bare feet.

They stood on a small lawn, about a yard wide and long, that merged with a small pond that was rippling as the warm breeze blew over it. Moonlight illuminated the surface, and when she looked up, she saw dozens of fireflies winking down at her.

Hermione looked back at Ron, who stood on the same spot, watching her with a smile on his face. "What is this place?" she asked him as he walked towards her.

"Like it?" he asked as he drew level with her. He looked out across the pond at the trees as he spoke. "I found it when I was a kid, about seven years old. I was playing in the wood, and I happened to stumble across this. I've come here ever since, when I wanted to get away from it all." He looked down at her and smiled, his eyes twinkling. They sent shivers down her spine. She smiled back. "It sort of stuck."

"It's beautiful..." she said, looking out across the water. She felt Ron's eyes on her, and she tried to steady her breath, but she felt too self-conscious to do so.

"So..." Ron said slowly, and Hermione's eyes snapped back on him, locking with his. Her heart jumped. "What was it you wanted to talk about...now that we're finally alone."

"Oh, yeah," Hermione said, almost forgetting the reason why they were there. "Er, Ron...I..." She paused, her voice shaking. She turned towards him, putting her hand on his arm. He turned to face her, peering into her face. "I need to know, before we leave tomorrow, since we won't really have a chance to talk..."

"Yeah?" Ron said, looking into her eyes with a worried expression on his face.

"Where do we stand?" she finally said. Ron leaned back and looked at her. "I mean, what are we now?" Ron looked at her in silence, and she feared the worse. She looked down at her hands, not being able to look at him if he was about to reject her again.

Then Ron's hands were in hers. This simple movement took her breathless, and she couldn't even look up. But she took in a deep breath, and did, to see Ron looking at her with those adorable eyes. Their fingers interlaced together as he took a step towards her. Chills were swimming through her veins all through her body, starting from her fingertips, from Ron's touch, leaving her body feeling momentarily cold.

And then he was leaning in towards her, and she was-wait-leaning in too? They were now so close, she could feel the warmth of his breath on her mouth, enticing-no, teasing-her. She finally couldn't take in anymore, she had been waiting long enough, and not just tonight. She leaned in the final centimeter, and their lips finally met each other.

His lips were exactly the warmth her body needed. They sent heat waves throughout her, making her feel warm again, maybe even hot. Hermione let go of his hands, hers snaking up his chest and onto his neck. His hands went around her back, pulling her right up against him as he deepend the kiss even further.

Wow, he's good at this, Hermione couldn't help thinking, and she let out a slight whimper in his mouth without actually meaning to. Ron let out a light groan as she ran her fingers through his hair, reassuring her that she was good at it too.

Ron pulled away, resting his forehead against hers as they both gasped for breath. He let his hands fall down her sides to rest on her waist, and she left her hands on the side of his face, her thumb caressing his right jawline.

"Does that answer your question?" he whispered to her, his eyes twinkling. Hermione giggled.

"Hmm..." she replied, eying his lips hungrily. He smiled. "I'm not sure. I think I need some more convincing." Ron laughed, that beautiful laugh that made her heart melt, and kissed her again. He squeezed her up against him, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. When they broke apart, she rested her head against his chest, listening to his heart beat and watching the fireflies buzzing around them. Ron rested his cheek on the top of her head after giving it a kiss, and Hermione listen
d as he tried to attempt to say something.

"Hermione?" he finally let out. Hermione lifted her head and looked up at him. His expression was anxious, and she immediately began to worry.

"What's wrong?" Hermione asked, the smile slipping off her face.

Ron tried to force a smile, and gave her a swift kiss before resting his forehead against hers once again. He smiled at her, and she smiled back. "It's just.." he trailed off, in barely a whisper.

"Yeah?" Hermione whispered back. His eyes rose from her lips and locked with hers.

"I love you," he said in a barely audible whisper. Hermione grinned.

"I know," she said, giving him a quick kiss.

He smiled and said, "Know-it-all."

Hermione laughed, and she rested her forehead on his shoulder. They stood for a moment, and then Hermione lifted her head, standing on tiptoe to whisper in his ear, "I love you, too."

She fell back onto her heels, bringing her hands down to cling on to the front of his coat. He stared at her for a moment, a grin rapidly spreading across his face. Then he lifted his hands to either side of her face, and planted a kiss on her lips. He began to pull away, but she pulled him back towards her.

After a few seconds, or maybe minutes-days?-Ron pulled away, his arms around her, and hers back around his neck. "We should probably go back," Hermione finally said, every inch of her voice dripping with disappointment.

Ron sighed. He gave her a kiss on the forehead, before saying, "Yeah, I guess you're right." His hand found hers, and their fingers interlocked. "C'mon." He led her towards a gap in the trees, pulling her along, and she studied his movements adoringly.

As they walked through the trees, slowly and quietly, hand in hand, Ron stopped suddenly.


He was quite for a moment. "Should we tell Harry?" Hermione didn't answer. Truth be told, she wasn't sure herself.

"Maybe," she said. "I don't think it would come as too much of a shock." They smiled at each other. "You know what, yeah. I think we should. He has the right to know."

"Yeah, you're probably right," Ron replied as they began to walk again.

They didn't talk until they reached the bushes on the edge of the wood, when she spotted her shoes lying on the ground where she had discarded them earlier. She let go of Ron's hand to put them back on, and then she turned to look at him. He took her hands in his. "So, this is it," Hermione said. "We're actually going public with this?" Ron nodded, and then looked towards the tent. Music was drifting from it, and she could see the candles' flickering light.

"Dance with me?" Ron suddenly said.


"Dance with me," he repeated, making it more of a command this time. "C'mon, 'Mione, it's long overdue." She smiled, and replied by dragging him back towards the tent.

The light was unfamiliar to her eyes, and almost dizzying. As they made their way to the dance floor, people turned and stared at them. She felt all of Ron's relatives watching them, and she felt the heat rising in her cheeks. But Ron gave her hand a squeeze, and her a smile, reassuring her.

When they got a spot on the dance floor, the band started up a slow song. Hermione tentatively wrapped her arms around his neck, ans he placed his on her lower back. She felt so aware of everyone's eyes on them, and so she looked around them at who else was dancing.

There were Bill and Fleur still, of course. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were also nearby. Lupin and Tonks, looking incredibly cute together. Fred was dragging Angelina to dance. Gabrielle was on her father's feet, as he waddled around. A couple other of Ron's relatives. And-

Harry and Ginny.

Hermione let out a gasp. When Ron looked at her questioningly, she noded at them, and he turned to look. "Guess they couldn't resist temptation," Ron said, and Hermione smirked.

"That's what she was asking me advice about earlier," Hermione told him. "She wanted me to tell her it was a good idea to ask him to dance."

"And what did you say?"

"Nothing. I was far too distracted," she said, smirking at him.

"Oh? And what could ever distract Hermione Granger?" Ron asked playfully, smiling down at her.

"Hmm...Well, it's a person, and he is actually here at this party right now! He's tall, and incredibly handsome. He has red hair, and lots of cute little freckles. And his bum!" He was grinning at her now, and she leaned in to whisper to him. "Irresistible."

"That doesn't sound like enough to drive you to distraction," Ron whispered playfully, eying her lips.

"Oh, yes it is," she said. "Believe you me." And she planted a kiss on his lips, making him melt for once, instead of her.

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