Jul 02, 2005 22:51
hey guys, I'm leaving tomorrow to go to my dads :)
I probably wont be on much while I'm up there. I come back on the 10th, So I'll be very very busy while I'm there, with family, and friends, and theme parks and everything else in the world that i'll have to do.
If I AM online - I have to ask you all a huge huge huge huggge favor -
The computer up there is MONITERED which means they can see everything I type, and everything that gets typed to me. So if you talk to me, nothing about drugs, sex, violence, no swearing, nothing about religion, blah blah blah.
I'm going to go crazy up there. My family up there is so up-tight and SO religious. They're like.. a stereotypical Italian family. Very loud, lots of food, blah blah blah.
Everyone can call my cell phone, or text me, or whatever. But I don't have a charger [Libby got to it, and chewed it up]. So I dont know when my phone will die. My dad says he's going to buy me a new one when I get there, but my dad says alot of things so we'll see.
I love you all :)