May 17, 2005 15:06
SOooooooo! Ok, today was a good day. Not 100% why, but it just was. It all started at 4:30... *dreamy music plays in backround, Becca looks around with eyebrow raised, then shrugs shoulders*
I wake up... the alarm clock is bleating obnoxiously. I crawl to the end of my bed, kneel there for a minute staring at the clock, then turn it off, hit snooze, and climb back into bed.
5:00- the alarm clock insists once again that I get up out of bed. I comply, but only partially. I turn on my light, put on half of the outfit I will wear this day, and crawl back into bed.
6:00- My eyes open slowly, and I gaze around me. It's like a fairy tale... then I realize that this is not a fairy tale and that the bus is coming in half an hour. I say, "Uh-Oh" in a very childish voice and roll off of my bed.
6:00 and 1/8- I land on the floor with a thud. Note to self: make the effort to *step* out of bed as rolling hurts.
7:00- Usually I am to school by now. Today, however, the bus is stranded about thirty feet from school in a long line of traffic. If all this misery wasn't going towards a new theater, I would protest.
7:15- We finally arrive at the school doors. I put away my stuff and stagger towards the drama room, where I meet Steve and Jordan who are playing with a holographic Hagrid card. Actually, that's the only thing I can really remember from before 8 cuz I was sooooo tired. I could have traveled to arabia, bought a fry maker that will not break (O, it broke!), ridden a monkey disguised as an elephant, and wished for the nile and I wouldn't even know it.
Now it is three fifteen and I just got home. I don't have any homework and star wars is in two days, so happy happy joy joy! *does a little dance*
Now I'm gonna find something to eat so that I don't pass out as I sadly have tendancy to do (I actually did, yesterday, but luckily I was in my room when I started getting dizzy and so I layed down and GONE I WAS! cool feeling, really... lol. then I got up, was still dizzy, and ate, and then I was fine, and then I went to Emilees and then I came home and did homework and then I went to bed and then I woke up... and you know what happened from there!)
P.S. I also thought it was important that you know I made a house out of the Detroit Freepress and sat in the middle of the street in it until Emilee started chasing me with a shovel and cars threatened to run me over. I will never be homeless, it's too hard!