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Kiwa wubs Monika anonymous April 25 2005, 00:51:17 UTC
I cried: I would give you my shoulder to cry on

I asked you to help: I'd say i would help my honey bunches with anything

I died from natural causes: I would cry and go to your funeral

I said I liked you: I would say great I have a friend!!!

I started smoking: I would ask you to stop and if you didnt i would tell you that your killing your self

I was hospitalized: I would visit you everyday untill you get out.. once your out we can talk on the puter!! >.<

I ran away from home: I would open my closet to you!

I got in a fight and you were there: I would help kick ompa lumpas ass!!!!!!

I got dumped: I would give you the other shoulder to cry on... and then kick the guys ass!

I did something that you could never forgive me for: I would try my hardest to move on and forget it

What Do You Think Of My...

Personality: OMFG your fucking awesome!! there is no words to explain monika

Eyes: their beautiful

Face: fucking gorgeous


Humor: ive never pissed my pants so hard in my life!!!

Choice of music: aww its greattt

Family: ive never met them

Body: fucking beautiful... dont trade it for anything... SELL IT!!! j/k

Friends: Dont know them but i know im fucking awesome

Would You...

Be my friend: I am your friend

Tell me the truth no matter what: yes dear always!

Lie to make me feel better: No... ill tell you the damn truth whether you like it or not.... (i dunno how to spell)

Keep a secret if I told you one: DUH always

Hold my hand: YUP you know it!! i dont care what ppl say!

Take a bullet for me: Yes.. as long as i had a bullet proof vest on..... heheheheh jkjkjkjk

Keep in touch: duhhhhhhhhhhhh what kind of question is that?!?!?

Try and solve my problems: Always.. ill try but i wont promise i will succeed >.<

Love me: I already do!

Who are you, what's our relationship: Im Kiwa Mounier

How and where did we meet: Umm.. Im bad because i dont member :'( im sorry

How long have you known me: not long enough.... (((~_*)))

Tell me one good thing about myself: Your fucking awesome!

My age: 15?

My birthday: idk

My favorite band at the moment: idk

Colour eyes: their blinding.... so i cant see them... lmao (good cover up for i dont know) monika i love you im sooo sorry i cant answer these questions :'(

Do i have any siblings: yes ma'am

What's one of my favorite things to do: talk to me

Do you remember one of the 1st things I said to you? stay on till 9

Describe me in 3 words: amazingly beatifuly fantastic

Name 5 things I love: me me me me your dog

Do you think I'm good looking: hellz yeah!

How would you describe me to someone: monika is anazing!! lol

What do you like most about me: your soo nice and soooo funny

Do you think we will be friends for at least 3 or 4 more years: yeahhh hellz yeah

Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it. pickles... because you make me giggle

What do you think my weakness is? ompa lumpa

Do you think I'll get married? hellz yeah even if it is to me

What reminds you of me? pumpkins.....

If you could give me anything what would it be? my heart.

Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same? staying the same

Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen? yessssssssss

What song (if any) reminds you of me? red red wine.... stay close to memememememememem


Re: Kiwa wubs Monika x3___lov3hurts April 25 2005, 01:08:59 UTC
omfg kyara fucking mounier i love you soo much baby girl! so much!!
your my best friend and i wouldnt trade you in for ANYTHING.
you need to sell YOUR bodayyyyy.


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