Thanks to all who participated - here's the list of writers with their IDs. IDs were constellations, and order was done by sign-up. We hope everyone had a good time, and would like to organize a similar activity next year for the real 2009!
Andromedae -
mithrigilArae -
sailorcoruscantAurigae -
sakon76Caeli -
rekallthegreat Cassiopeiae -
sophiap Camelopardalis -
_akk Cephei -
_learethChamaleontis -
aishuuCorvi -
lindensphinxCrateris -
papered Cygni -
daydreamer64Eridani -
meteordustGruis -
metisketHorologii -
arisstenohLeporis -
doumeki Lyncis -
hellodyMonocerotis -
xtwilightzxNormae -
dayadhvam_triadOctantis -
starstruck272Ophiuchi -
velvetpaws Pegasi -
liyosa Pictoris -
cyrulean Reticuli -
SakanagiTauri -
aurei_sachi Telescopii -
enderxenocide Trianguli -
shadowpiperTucanae -
yuismoonVelorum -
tokyoroadkillVolantis -