Hey guys! Again, I wanted to thank all of you for making
x2009 such a success -- and don't forget, you can
guess the identity of the authors here for a chance to win fic!
You want to know another way you can win things?
The Comment Raffle, that's how!
Here's how it works: Approximately a day after the reveal, I will tally up all the comments people have left on the fics posted to this community, assign people numbers based on how many times they've commented, and use a program to select three winners at random.
So if the fics have 300 comments altogether, and you've left fifteen of those comments, you'll be assigned fifteen (probably consecutive, to make it easier on me) numbers from 1 to 300. If one of those fifteen numbers comes up when I do the drawing, you'll win a prize!
The prizes:
1. Paid Livejournal time;
2. TB/X/CCD fic from one of the mods written to your specifications (though the fandom is subject to negotiation as long as one of the mods knows the canon);
3. A hand-decorated Moleskine journal, something along the lines of
this or
Prizes are first-come, first-serve -- I'll contact the winners through PM, and the first person to reply to me gets first pick of the prizes, the second one gets second pick, etc.
Anonymous comments are not eligible to win, because we don't have any way of getting in contact with the anons. Sorry!
Obviously, the more comments you leave, the greater your chances of winning something, so get to it! There are a lot of good fics to comment on. (If you don't want to participate in the raffle for whatever reason, leave a comment here -- it'll be screened -- and your comments will be excluded from the total.) If you have any questions about how this is going to work, here's the place to ask them; questions will be unscreened.