stolen from jackie..cuz i <3 her

Jul 20, 2004 12:51

Your full name:victoria jane hales
Age: 17
Height: 5'6"
Natural hair color: brown
Eye color: brown..sumtimez a lil green
Number of siblings: i lil beast..13
Glasses/contacts?: contacts..grr
Piercings: 7
Tattoos: itz comin
Braces?: they're evil!

Colour: blue, red, black, and silver
Band: ehh..too many
Stuffed animal: Mr. Bear^_^
Video game: GTA3
TV shows: simpsons, boiling points
Movie: james and the giant peach
Book: srry..cant read
Flower: roses
Scent: sweet pea..bath and body works
Cereal: trix
Cartoon: rockos modern life

Play an instrument?: negative
Watch TV more than 60 hours a week?: i dont count!
Like to sing?: yep
Have a job? in august..yessum
Have a cell phone?: it should b attached 2 meh!
Like to play sports?: VOLLEYBALL!!!!
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yess!!
Have more than 5 TVs in your house?: only 4
Have any special talents/skills?: i cant cross mah eyez
Like school?: nope

Sing the alphabet backwards?: i cant even say it!
Stand on your tip toes without wearing shoes?: not 4 long
Speak any other languages?: a lil spanish..
Go a day without food?: yup
Stay up for more than 24 hours?: yup
Read music, not just tabs?:: uhh
Roll your tongue?:: yupperz
Eat a whole pizza?: eww

Snuck out of the house?: durr
Cried to get out of trouble?: only when desperate
Gotten lost in your city?: no..but it'd b funnie
Seen a shooting star?: YESS!!
Been to any other countries besides the United States?: england and mexico
Had a serious surgery?: juz mah tonsils
Stolen something important to someone else?: nope
Solved a rubiks cube?: mayb if i had no lyfe..i'd do it
Gone out in public in your pajamas?: y the fuck not?
Cried over a girl?: no thnx
Cried over a boy?: sadly
Kissed a random stranger?: negative
Hugged a random stranger?: i think so
Been in a fist fight?: long ago..violence isnt the im lazy
Been arrested?: so close!
Done drugs?: weed
Had alcohol?: yup
Laughed and had milk come out of your nose?: itz pretty gross
Pushed all the buttons on an elevator?: yup
Gone to school only to find you had the day off because of a holiday/etc?: fuck no!
Swore at your parents?: yea..mah dad doesnt it too
Been to warped tour?: nope
Kicked a guy where it hurts?: haha..stuntcock!
Been in love?: yes..
Been to a casino?: not yet!
Ran over an animal and killed it?: nope
Broken a bone?: not yet
Gotten stitches?: yessum
Had a waterballoon fight in winter?: no but that wouldnt b fun..bRrRrr
Drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour?: that'd b sickening!
made muffins?: yummie
Bitten someone?: lmao..
Been to disneyland/disneyworld?: yea
More than 5 times?: no
Been to niagra falls?: yea
Burped in someones face?: lmao yup
Gotten the chicken pox?: ick..yes

Brushed your teeth: b4 i went 2 skool this morning
Saw a movie in theaters: dodgeball..i dont remember when
Read a book: 2day in skool..sum1 reads 2 meh tho
Had a snow day: i dotn remember
Had a party: mah birfday
Had a slumber party: idk lol
Made fun of someone: thatz
Tripped in front of someone: i almost tripped 2day..damn sandals
Went to the grocery store: last nite so roy could get a mountain dew 2 liter
Got sick: uhh..idk

Fruit/vegetables: fruits
Black/white: black
Lights on/lights off:: off
TV/movie: TV
Car/truck: car
Body spray/lotion: lotion
Cash/check: cash
Pillows/blankets:: blankets
Headache/stomach pain: headache
Chinese food/mexican food: chinese!!
Summer/winter: summer
Snow/rain: snow..SNOW MEN!!
Fog/misty: misty
Rock/rap: rap
Meat/vegetarian: meat
Boy/girl: boi!
Chocolate/vanilla: vanilla
Sprinkles/icing: ICING!
Cake/pie: cake
French toast/french fries: french toast
Strawberries/blueberries: strawberries
Ocean/swimming pool: ocean
Hugs/kisses: kissez!
Cookies/muffins: cookies
Wallet/pocket: wallet
Window/door: door
Emo/goth: emo
Pink/purple: pink
Cat/dog: kitty!
Long sleeve/short sleeve: short sleeve
Pants/shorts: pants
Winter break/spring break: spring break
Spring/autumn: spring
Clouds/clear sky: clear
Moon/mars: moon

How many friends do you have?: i lost count
What are their names?: ugh..they kno who they r
Do you have a best friend?: a bunch
Have you ever liked one of your friends?: yupperz
Do you have more guy friends or more girl friends?: girlz
Have you ever lost a friend?: unfortunately
Have you ever gone to an amusement park with a friend?: no
Have you ever gotten in a big arguement with a friend?: yessum
Do you miss any of your old friends?: yess
What friend have you known the longest?: jax F
How often do you spend time with your friends?: as much as possible
Do any of your friends drive?: yup
Whats the dumbest thing you've done with a friend?: too many things

Have you ever been in love?: yeah..
If you have, with who?: joe
Are you single?: nope
Are you in a relationship?: yess!
If so, for how long?: 6 dayz
Do you believe there is someone for everyone?: yes
What is your idea of the best date?: n e long as we're having fun
How old were you when you got your first kiss?: 13
Do you think love is a load of shit?: noperz
Have you ever been dumped?: yessum
Have you ever dumped someone?: yupperz

am: doin this survey
want: 2 go out
need: 2 make lunch
crave: 2 see mah b/f 2day
love: mah friends and family
hate: u!
feel: bored
miss: roy
am annoyed by: YOU!
would rather: be w/ roy right now
am tired of: summer skool

What is your favorite genre of music?: i dont have 1
What time is it now?: 1:11
What day is it?: july 20
Whens the last time you called someone?: yesterday
How much money do you have right now?: NADA!
Are you hungry?: a lil
Do you like parades?: yay!!
Do you like the moon?: itz purdy
What are you going to do when youre done with this?: make lunch
If you could have any magical power what would it be?: i can move things w.o gettin up
Have you ever had a picnic?: yea
Did you ever have one of those skip-its when you were young?: OH MAN!!
What about sock em boppers?: ALL THE WAY!!
Are you wearing any socks right now?: yess..watz it 2 ya?!

funny?: yes
pretty?: sumtimez
sarcastic?: deff
lazy?: sumtimez
hyper?: i have mah moments
friendly?: yessum
evil?: rarely
smart?: i have moments
strong?: yes
talented?: sumtimez
dorky?: moments!

suicide: against
love: for
drunk drivers: against
airplanes: for
war: against
united states: for
rock music: for
gay marriage: FOR ALL THE WAY!
school: for
parents: for
cars: for
killing: against
coffee: for
pants: for

Sky dive?: no
Run away?: mayb
Curse at a teacher?: yes!!
Not take a shower for a week?: fuck no..watz wrong w/ u!!?!
Ask someone out?: yes
Lie to someone to make them think better of you?: no
Visit a foreign country for more than a month?: yes
Go scuba diving?: yes
Write a book?: no
Become a rockstar?: YES!
Have casual sex?: w/ mah man!

What shampoo do you use?: so sexy
What kind of computer do you have?: gateway
What grade are you in?: 12.5..damn summer skool
Do you like to throw popcorn at people in the movies: and penniez..right jackie!?
Make out?: yes
How many posters do you have in your room?: 6
How many cds do you have?: ehh..i guess
What time is it now?: 1:16
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