May 07, 2008 15:06
sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo as probally everyone knows today
mike got arrested again on saturday
only 4 weeks out and he is back in he must be sooo proud
and as everyone else probally knows to i was/is going out with him
because of charles and that fucking chain text message.
i feel like a dfjkshfjk
its such a long story but its basically my fault he got arrested again.
and u feel guilty
andno onw knows that part of the story
because it wasnt in the paper
but itll get arounf everything always does
but his friend marvette got arrested to:)
thats a long story as well
but basically these past 2 months have beeen ones from hell
but i regret nothing
7 more days
3 more months
and im gone
k bye