today was a shitty day

Apr 04, 2006 19:23

Today I decided that I was going to cut myself out of the constent world of the internet so I could focus more on my professional development. I'm still going to do e-mail and all that but I really want to end my obsession with AIM. Its out of control. And besides, I'm getting older, whether I like it or not and I need to phase myself out of this fake world. What ever happen to phone calls and writing letters to keep in touch with your friends. So we will see how long it takes me to do this phasing out.

Today the weather affected my mood dramatically, I didn't know it had the much power over me. I'm surprised I didn't start a fight with anyone. I was mostly really annoyed with the fact that people say they want to help with stuff but when the time actaully comes they have better things to do and make excuses. I just did so much work and spent so much time and watched it go down the drain.

I know this might sound corny, but I really miss Chad, and Noelle, and Jenna, and Nina, and Steph.. Pretty much I miss all the friends I NEVER see anymore. I try not to let it get to me, but today it was impossible. I guess I had more emotions build up in me than I thought I did. I'm really missing seeing Chad every morning and spending the entire day with him like I could on spring break. I wish spring break never ended. I really can't wait to start planning a wedding. We talked about a date this weekend, but we haven't finalized anything yet. We've got an entire year before I graduate anyways, and trying to job search, graduate college, and plan a wedding stresses me out just thinking about it. So its going to be a few years...

Well I needed to vent a little, now its time to perfect a thank you letter, which is the heardest letter I've ever had to write. I didn't know thank you letters could be so hard.
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