Nine things about myself:
9. I am the coolest kid alive because I play a "telnet" game and have a fantasy family full of people I've never actually met...
8. I wish my school had a music program.
7. I am much more anti-social than I used to be... I'm not really sure how that happened.
6. I used to love the social science of psychology but I'm getting more and more into the natural science.
5. I have a benign tumor named Janice.
4. I just donated most of my hair.
3. I'm really bad at taking compliments.
2. I have just recently remembered how good it feels to be COMPLETELY exhausted.
1. I only half regret not going away to school.
Eight ways to win my heart.
8. Listen to me
7. Encourage me
6. Do some random acts of kindness
5. Be Braden Warner Price :D
4. Be able to try anything for me.
3. Make an effort to show you care about me
2. Be okay with not doing anything every once in a whlie
1. Know how to laugh
Seven things that cross my mind a lot.
7. How I should really be studying instead
6. If I have time to take a nap or not
5. Why I didn't try harder
4. What happened to all the "close" friends I had
3. What life will be like in 5 years
2. If I'm with the right person
1. How I can become a better person.
Six things I do before I fall asleep
6. Put on PJs
5. Talk on AIM/Lusternia
4. brush my teeth
3. crawl into bed
2. Think over things
1. try to relax
Five people who mean a lot. (in no order)
5. Dad
4. Grandma
3. Carl
2. Jenn
1. Granddad
Four things you're wearing right now.
4. black stretch pants
3. Millie shirt
2. headband
1. Bra/Undies
Three songs that you listen to often. (I'm just picking the first three songs that come up on my ipod..this is way to hard)
3. Nothing's Bigger Than Love - My Favorite Highway
1. May Angels Lead You In - Jimmy Eat World
Two things you want to do before you die.
2. Get married
1. Travel to Europe
One confession.
1. I'm terribly selfish and forget far too often how well off I am.