May 08, 2007 08:27
This ones gonna be good. For one... I'm at my brothers right now. Mary's car got repossed now too (they were a day late on the car payment and even thought the check was in the mail they didn't give a shit) so Mike had to get me last night. Whole ride up here we talked about his ex gf and shit... He decided to make a myspace so I was up until 130 setting him up on that.... Mildly entertaining lol. He sent Rebecca a message... bec hasn't been on yet so god only knows how shell react..
Things with Chris and I have been well. I've been sick for like a week but I'm over it. Just some stomache bug that makes me get nautious when I lay down. Nothing major. It's been getting better so I should be good.
Well thats all for now...