Title: Career Advancement
Type: One-Shot
Rating: NC-17
Category: Lemon (Smutfic)
Warning: Slash
Characters: K-san and Hiroshi
Pairing(s): K-san x Hiroshi
Summary: Hiroshi wants his career to go along more smoothly, but there is only one thing he can do for that to take place.
Note: For Meli-chan.
The auburn-haired teenager was pushed against the blank-looking wall, his breath uneven, his skin swearty from the musty, heavy air that choked him. Though it was day, the entire room had been enveloped with darkness. Or maybe it hadn;t. Maybe the fact he was panicking caused him to have delusions, seeing and feeling what was not there.
Everything that happened was like a horrendous nightmare. No matter how many times Hiro begged and begged for the blond to stop; stop kissing him, stop touching him, stop pushing inside of him, the manager merely grinned.
Soon, it had gotten to the point where the teenager was pleading so much, it caused enough of an annoyance for thick, gray tape to be forced upon his mouth.
"Mmph! Mm! Mm!" were the only sounds that were able to be heard emitting from Hiroshi.
But maybe it was his own fault. After all, he was the one whom agreed to go to such a place, and it was his own fault for not stopping the blond man in time.
Yes, it was an unberable pain, psychically and mentally. Every thrust made him ache, every shove made his head collide with the wall, causing a horrid headache. Too many noisy pleas resulted in a large, pale hand to curl its fingers around his neck, making his breathing temporarily halt.
Afterwards, as he was let out of the thick air and complete darkness, his body still aching...
He felt accomplished, like the entire thing was worth it.
Now, it was a given that he would have a better career.