Mar 12, 2011 15:28
Hey people,
Finals are about to start this week.
I have one last class on Monday night and I have to turn in my paper then too.
My finals this quarter shoudn't be that bad.
This quarter went by pretty quickly.
I was busy most of the time and that is a good and bad thing.
I got a lot accomplished, but I wish I could have done more.
I am still figuring out my work schedule for next quarter.
I got the classes I wanted, but now I need to figure out when I should work.
I think I will have a little bit more free time next quarter.
I am excited for finals to be over with and go home.
My only in class final is on Friday though. So I will be going home Friday afternoon.
I'm not even sure what I will do when I am at home, but I do want to read some of the books I have because my pile of books is becoming a tower of books.