(no subject)

Oct 06, 2010 15:38

Hey People,

I have been back at school since the 18th of September... well, actually I started school on the 23rd, but moved back on the 18th.
I have been busy with my 20 unit schedule and work. I haven't worked at the town hall at all yet, but I am hoping to get an email with events to work soon.

I have plenty of reading and papers to do too. I just finished all my reading for the rest of the week, but in reality I need to get started with stuff for next week already. I have four papers due on Monday/Tuesday of next week.

Besides that, I live downtown now so I have been doing a lot of reading on the bus. I leave campus at the worse times to catch the bus home. So I end up waiting 10 or so minutes at the bus stop and then have the bus ride home.

I have been going to the gym just about every day too. I am glad I can actually manage it with my schedule. I switch off with going to the gym on campus to 24 hour fitness. I walk to 24 hour fitness which isn't too bad. I could get a bus, but I'd rather walk anyways.

I also finished the book, The Wild Things, last Wednesday. It pretty much is the movie Where the Wild Things Are. It was a good book. I mean I wasn't the biggest fan of the movie (Don't get me wrong the editing/lighting in the movie was great.) Someone within a few brief pages of strong emotions it really brings the book together and makes it kind of stand out.

Well, I will try and update again soon. Back to work.

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