just another quiz for you!

May 09, 2005 15:18

01.) I go by:: Paige, Stinky, Pagie, Paigie, Sofia, Sofi, *Rami* Pagina (with 3 different pronunciations)
02.) Middle Name:: Marie
03.) DOB:: 11~28~90
04.) Age:: 14
05.) Location:: Burlington, New Jersey
06.) Eye Color:: Hazel
07.) Hair Color:: Drk Blond/light brown
08.) Hair Length::.long
09.) Height:: 5'6"
10.) Shoe Size::..8
11.) Glasses or Contacts:: Contacts
12.) Braces:: darn them
13.) Single or Taken:: Single... :(
4.) Bad Habits::...cursing..killing my nails...
15.) Fears:: SQUIRRELS
16.) Screen Name:: firex0xFly

::_**_:: School ::_**_::

17.) Where Do You Go to School::TOHMS
18.) Whats Your School Mascot:: falcom
19.) Whats Your School Colors:: black, white and gold
20.) Whats Your Favorite Subject:: Band (room)
21.) Whos Your Favorite Teacher:: Ms.Tropp/ Mr. Huebby
22.) What Do They Teach:: gym/band
23.) Who Sits Next to You In Math Class:: Mala!

::_**_:: Love Life ::_**_::

24.) Do You Have a Boyfriend/ Girlfriend:: Yurp.
25.) If So, Whats There Name:Chad:
26.) If So, How Long Have You Been Together:Does it matter?:
27.) Do You Have a Crush:: my boyfriend?
28.) Do They Know:: seeing as how i just told him i loved him
29.) Have You Ever Broken Someones Heart:: I hate myself for it.
30.) Have You Ever Had Your Heart Broken:: I don't know.

::_**_:: Favorites ::_**_::

31.) Animal:: my dog
32.) Colors:: pink, green,blue
33.) Person:: My friends...
34.) Subject:: band(room)
35.) Season:: Summer
36.) Holiday:: Xmas
37.) Hobby:: hanging with my friends
38.) Sport:: hockey
39.) Feeling:: wanted
40.) Saying:: Poo on Yoo. Gerrar. Holy Crackers.
41.) Word:: Awezome
42.) Month:: July
43.) Clothing:: jeans
44.) Jewelry:: Earrings
45.) Food:: Poptarts or strawberries
46.) Snack:: Pretzels, gummy worms, poptarts?

::_**_:: Friends ::_**_::

47.) Best:: All of you guys
48.) Daringest:: Amanda
49.) Funniest:: Malea
50.) Tallest:: Amanda
51.) Shortest:: Katie! (or jay)
52.) Loudest::Sean
53.) Shyest:: Katie...
54.) Smartest:: Katie
55.) Blondest:: MALEA!
56.)Craziest:: Amanda..Erin...Chad
57.) Nicest:: Katie
58.) Sweetest:: Katie
59.) Weirdest:: Erin
60.) Flirtest:: Amanda!

::_**_:: Have You Ever ::_**_::

61.) Had a Wish Come True:: yup
62.) Had a Dream Come True:: yup
63.) Broken a Body Part::  My middle toe?
64.) Fallin’ in Love:: I think so
65.) Done Something You Regret:: Like Saturday?
66.) Tripped and Fell in Public:: Last day of gym... tripping malea in 7th grade and falling..
67.) Sang in Public:: um. maybe but i suck.
68.) Cryed in Public:: too many times
69.) Kissed Someone Besides Family:: yea..?
70.) Been in a Car Crash:: no

::_**_:: The Last ::_**_::

71.) Thing You Did Before Getting on the Computer:: walked home from schoo
72.) Person You Yelled at:: katie? not on purpose tho, cuz i love her, just cuz i was pissed
73.) Person You Hugged:: mike
74.) Person You IMed:: Erin-Oh
75.) Time You Cleaned Your Room:: Sunday
76.) Song You were Listening to:: blEEd lIkE mE (garbage)
77.) TV Show You Watched:: The weather channel (hey! i wanted to know if i needed a hoodie or not!)
78.) Movie You Watched:: Postergeese
79.) Time You went to the Movies:: A LONG time ago..
80.) Time You Cryed:: Last nite.
81.) You Took a Shower:: Last nite.

::_**_:: This OR That ::_**_::

82.) Coke OR Pepsi:: DIET coke
83.) Tall OR Short:: tall
84.) Flowers OR Candy:: Flowers. Even though love is more than just flowers (teehee Larts class!)
85.) Math OR English:: english
86.) Blink 182 OR Sugarcult:: Blink 182
87.) Mickey OR Minnie:: Mickey
88.) Middle School OR High School:: High school
89.) Boyfriend OR Girlfriend:: Boyfriend
90.) Single OR Taken:: single.

School sucked but was OK. In Poinsetts class i stabbed my binder because I was mad. And then he told malea i was feeling extra violent today.Lunch was ok-ish. Spanish was ok. Yay for ties! Band fun as ever. That picture of mark is funny as anything! Larts was pretty funny.
 Pinkard: Love is boring. It's like : Here's a flower.
Me: Love is more than just flowers, Pinkard.
Pinkard: But I don't want to talk about those things.
Me: Pinkard, thats not what I meant! LoL

Wow, was that ever interesting...
SS was pretty BORING> but then i had another half hour wasted away for 'flute lessons'. Mr Huebby is the only teacher that will let you listen to iPod music through his speakers, and encourage it. We listened to SpongeBob and Dora Club remixes. He is also the only teacher that agrees that since its near the end of the school year that we should only have to do work 10% of the time.

That was my day. Sad as it is. This is the way I lay.
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