Nov 10, 2005 15:59
Wow Okay....Wednesday night...I go home after co-op kevin meets me at my house and we hung out for a bit before I had to go to night school.
Then I go to night school, on my break at 7:30 Jen and her mom come and pick me up. We catch the train going into toronto blah blah blah....We go to our hotel (that jens moms rich friend paid for, for us) Get ready then jens moms friend(with connections) picks us up and we go to a new club downtown toronto for the kayne west and jamie foxx after party(vip), we walk in and go to the bar...jens moms friend...the amazing guy that he is....puts an open tab at the bar for the 3 of us and sure enough we drink...and drink...I got hit on by a 27 year old balding man...he came to talk to me, jen was just sitting beside me and jens moms friend came over to bring jen away incase we wanted to be alone..which i didn' jen says come on mel and pulls me away too...thank god...but then he came back over and we talked abit i guess..I was not interested he was akwardly weird and I have a boyfriend.. so jens moms friend said to him give her ur number she'll call you! lol...We stayed there for a while till about 2:30/3:00(had an amazing time) then went back to our hotel, ordered pizza,watched a movie and went to sleep and woke up at 9 and ate breakfast then caught the train back to home and went to school :( The thing about it is...Jens moms friend paid for our train tickets there and back, our hotel, admission into the club, all of our drinks(including a drink for the 27 year old balding man that was hitting on me), our pizza, the movie we rented, and our breakfast....I want to be him!