Apr 14, 2007 18:21
im a hair model now. hurray for me. a hair model without hair, mind you.
so for those of you i haven't told yet...
MONDAY - lauren finds an email in her inbox about an audition for a hair modeling job in fitchburg.
TUESDAY - lauren calls the exploretalent.com people as they sent her that email. exploretalent.com people are very rude and demand she pays for a memebership. rude exploretalent.com people state that they can not tell her the address of the audition until she pays for her membership.
WENDESDAY - lauren pays for her exploretalent.com memebership. lauren calls the rude exploretalent.com people. rude exploretalent.com people don't pick up their phones. lauren curses their existance.
THURSDAY - lauren googles the words "hair show auditions" and "fitchburg". within two seconds lauren finds the address of the audition place and an email address. lauren emails the audition place. the audition place people email her back. the audition place people tell her to come audition. lauren cancels her membership with exploretalent.com and gets her money back.
FRIDAY - lauren goes home for the weekend.
SATURDAY - lauren drives to fitchburg...
So there were legit 300 or more girls trying to audition for the same modeling job as me. pretty much all of them are from agencies. i of course did not have one, unless you count exploretalent.com which isn't really an agency, but it's how i heard about the audition, and like, they don't know i cancelled my memebership, so you know... anywho- im glad i pretended to have an agency because all the girls who didn't (there were like 3 of them) where pretty much shown the door and that was that. so some guy comes up and annouces to the bagillion girls in the room that they need girls who are willing to cut and dye their hair, alot of girls don't want to have their hair cut and somehow think they'll still get chosen even though they're refusing the main thing that what this show is all about. the smart girls like me get in the group that's willing to cut their hair and the guy comes and like, examines us all. so i push my way to the front and he looks at me and starts messing with my hair. then he's all, "you have high cheek bones" and i am like, "yes" and he is all, "i'd want to cut your hair incredibly short if i picked you... it's very different than what your hair is like now," and i am like, "whatever you want!" and he tells me to the back waiting room. in the back waiting room there's about 15 other girls all waiting. a lady comes by and asks us for our names and we all just kinda stand around for a while. soon after the room fills us to about 30 girls or so. the guy comes back in the room and starts splitting us up into groups. then he starts looking walking around the room again looking so i made sure to smile alot. he pulls out some girls and asks them if they're willing to get their hair cut short, even though some girls are like, "umm... like, at my shoulders?" he still keeps some of them and asks them to sit down in a seat. then he comes up to me and looks at me and is like, "she'll get her hair cut really short, won't you?" and im like, "oh def!" so he tells me to sit in a seat. soon only 9 of us are in seats and they dismiss the rest. so im still thinking there are more girls waiting outside and we've only made it to the "semi finalists" or something when he starts telling us who's going to get what haircut. i was assinged the "sweet red" cut. we find out that in total only 12 of us were choosen for the hair show. 9 girls are getting cuts (me being one of them) and 3 girls are just getting styled (as those girls refused to get their hair cut).
two hours later i am in a sitting in a hair salon hair and the guy legit cuts off pretty much all of my hair. like, it's shorter than my chin lenght, it looks kinda good, but i mean it is wayyyy too short. after that they dye my hair dark red. after that they add highlights. after that they cut some more off. after that they style it. then i get to go to wardrobe and pick out a dress to wear. the dress is black and fairly boring but nice. finally i look in the mirror...
oh me gawd. i will probably only be found attractive to boys in mowhawks until my hair grows out and turns it's normal color again. it's like rocker chick slightly emo girl chec. i am so serious.
and so, tomorrow i shall be walking the cat walk in the fab hair fashion show showing off my "fashionable" hair. a make up artist is going to do my face up and everything.
i miss my hair.
i swear, if it weren't for the 300 dollars im getting paid to do this i'd be bawling my eyes out right now. hehe ;o)