Mar 05, 2007 23:08
1. black is most def my favorite color to wear for tops.
2. soft curls are better than springy ones.
3. my jokes are actually very funny. those who don't think so just have no sense of humor.
4. it is perfectly alright to refuse to get your wisdom teeth taken out because there is a chance of dieing in the process.
5. it isn't my fault im "too talkative" while giving my speeches for speech class. i just have very little time and alot to say. besides it is a speech class. i am supposed to speak. and maybe if i was given a script or something beforehand then i wouldn't have to just keep talking and talking while trying to think of what to say next and talk some more.
6. five minute snow storms are not acceptable.
7. i want to be in a club. this is so unfair. i feel so discriminateable after coming in during the middle of the school year. why are all the clubs hiding from me?? i don't bite.
8. discriminateable is a new word.
9. my words "jezumes" and "jezumes and a half" are simply not being used enough by the american public yet.
10. when am i getting a dog?!