"but it's in you, and you can't stop something thats inside of you."

Aug 14, 2004 00:12

gonna make this quick...
--school was alright, not too much h.work this weekend.
--got in a fight w. kevin bout stuff that shouldn't even be brought up. yeah, i was def crying last night and this afternoon after he brought me and cara home, and he don't even care anymore, but whatever. i'm threw w. him. i aint gonna take that kinda shit. oh, and i definitely made a scene in the parkin' lot at the gas station b.cause of it...
--robbie deleted cara's whole buddy list when they brought us home, but kevin turned on the windsheild wipers and it got him in the eye. the moral of the story... kARMA'S A BITCH
--went to the jamboree. talked to brit, ally, and cady for a while and then it started rainin'. so i FINALLY found cara and then got into w. kevin AGAIN, broke manda's umbrella, and finally left.
--went to the movies w. case, chris and his friends. saw the village, it was horrible. slept through some parts. yeah, don't go see it, it's really weird and confusing too.
--gotta sinus thing goin' on... sore throat, stuffed up nose. ughh
--moving on w. my life....
--goin' to see mawmaw tomorrow, and natty's tomorrow night maybe. hmm, idk yet. peace out
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