Well last night was interesting....
I brought my cousins, Kate and Danny, up to camp so that little Danny could watch the movie that would be playing to the weekend stayovers from jr. camp. And we get in the kitchen and they have classical music blasting. So I'm like...what the hell?!?! And I see Mariah, Ben, and Anna all in the kitchen (that sort of explained it) They said they were trying to relax...but I don't gewt how they could relax with that tense shit blasting...it was fine and dandy when it was nice and flowy..but once it escalated it was throbbing....I was sitting across from counselor Kaite and I could hear a thing she said or vise versa...so I went in to turn it down twice...then Mariah is in Katie's face yelling so she can hear and Katie couldn't hear her at all...so then it got turned down two other times.....then Anna comes in and tells us that she told Ben he could listen to the music loud while he's doing the dishes.....so then i took my cousins and left.....
We weren't out in the dining room 3 min. when Ben comes casually running out goes down past the pond down to the field in front of the maintainence shed turns..runs across the soccer field and down below the soccer feild..then he stops and just drops to his knees....and his lips were moving...then he gets up walks a few steps...stops..puts his hands on his head...and just
stands there in the rain....then he walked up and sat at the pond....then he got up again and wallked up and sat 20 ft. from where I was but outside on the grass.....
And me and my older cousin are like "what the hell????" And then Anna comes out and sees him there and then she makes a noise and turns around...then Mariag comes out and then turns again..and I"m like "Mariah. Whats wrong with Ben.?" and she said she didn't know and left.......then 2 min. later she and Anna come back through acting as if we don't exist and Mariah says "...It just...comes out...when I"m startled." and she was looking at Ben......and so I knew she freakin knew what had happened so::
Me:: "Mariah....."..
Mariah:: *(ignores)*
Me:: Mariah!"
Mariah:: *(ignores)*
Me:: "MARIAH!......what happened?"
Mariah:: *(wierd noise)*...I....I don't know"
Me: *(growl)*
((((((((((((((((( I was so pissed that she thought I was that stupid and that she lied to me........but at the same time I could care less cause that little Ben, Mariah, Anna, Sarah click can deal with thewir own freakin groupie problems...(--) ))))))))))))))))
Oh......so then Sarah takes Ben in her car and they go somewhere and then two hours later they show up while we're watching the movie...and after the movie Ben is telling Anna how much she is like his sister. And then I sat with Sarah and Ben and we talked about pointless stuff.....Well I talked to Sarah....and Ben added his two cents every now and then.....then he started saying he wanted to watch Braveheart which isn't that like a 3 hr. movie?? And it was 11:00 at night......so then
Sarah:: Anna, he wants Braveheart"
Anna:: I think he should have it"
So yah, Ben was milking it big time.....such a fucking baby......
So then Anna and Ben were going to get the movie and then as he's walking out he decides that he's taking me and my cousins home.....so I sat up front with Ben and kept thinking about how screwed I was going to be if they found out..and I wouldn't let him go over 20 mph down the came driveway and then I wanted him to drop me off at the B's but he kept going and I was clutching the door and then he stops at my driveway and is like "For you sake...."
I don't think my pranets know that he took us home....and they never will from me......
Today at work it was rather boring...I only had to work three hours!!!!! Yay!!!! (^o^)!! Tomorrow I have to be there at 9am though (TT) I don't want tooooooo!!!!!.....oh and CIT Elizabeth is now a counselor for this week ........don't know why.......And my right upper side of my throat is swollen still and hurts like hell......And all my people from youth group went to Kingdom Bound today and are staying for a few days,,,,,,
Okay thats all for now.....I'm watching our dinner to make sure it doesn't urn and my mom and dad are outside in the garden......
oi (--)