Jun 13, 2004 19:17
All I've got...All I've got is INSANE....................
Yah, I like that song (^^)
Hmm...I haven't been on for a while....my mom has banished me from here....so this will probly be my last post for quite some time.......and so if I'm not on for a while,,....or don't comment....Please Don't Take Me Off Your Friends List (._.)....please.......
This weeke was okay...went to PC's grad. Gave Peter a bazillion hugs...and with the first he leaned down on the table to read something just as I hugged him..so I was sort of laying on top of him for 5 sec. lol And Sharlene gave John B. a hug and it was pretty funny...I was toying with the idea, but then I figured I'd leave him alone.../I hugged Shane instead....funny kid.....But then after that Diandra, Sharlene, and I went to Pheebs and hung out all day...and I spent the night...and 30 min. after we wake up on Fri. Mom calls and is like "Ready for me to pick u up?" I was like whaaa??? Long story short..she took me away to finish 18 chapters of math before Tuesday...I told her I could do it on Sun. but she didn't believe me..and she had quite a shock when I was done by 11:00 on Sat....and then walked up to lunch ...I knew I could do it...but I didn't get to go to the prade...that would have been boring...but I did want to go see the fire works......But Fri, Sat, and today I worked at GT...Ethan and Mariah were there..and I had fun....Ethan's a funny guy..he was being stalked by these too girls....And of course I can't let him live that down...
I sort of want to go to camp...but at the same time, I dont want to......I don't know...I'll be working and crap.....but whatever....Everyone is going to the movies tomorrow...and I don't think I'll be able to make it (._.) Math........(><)
Okay I have to go do my excercises.......hohum.........