May 22, 2007 17:43
Because I have no idea what's going on.
I have no idea what to do.
It's like "Whoa!? A hard on!? Dee-dee-dee...what do I do now?!"
I'm growing restless.
Everything's so mundane.
No school [for another week]
No job [for another week or two]
No motivation to move my ass.
This heat isn't helping much, either. It's hotter than Satan's asshole out here and I basically refuse to leave the house before 7pm.
So, I'm waiting for something exciting to happen.
Cause, you know, fantastic things happen when you least expect them to.
Hm...perhaps I should stop waiting for it to happen then, huh.
I can't help it.
"Let me be the one that calls you 'baby' all the time.
Surely you can take some comfort knowing that you're mine.
Just hold me tight, lay by my side.
..and let me be the one who calls you 'baby' all the time."
That just sounds too awesome...
On that note...I've shaked free from Ken for good.
I do believe my parting words included "...don't contact me unless you are fatally ill."
I want someone to want me....
I want someone to need me without needing me to fix something in their lives.
I'm a fool for believing a friendship was feasible. [Spell-check kicked my ass again...i thought it was feasAble...] Apparently I'm a ping pong ball that doesn't mind going back and forth every few weeks...
Whatever. Three years wasted. Time to pick up and move on...far far away from bullshit...and closer to people who actually give a shit.
Upside to this? I save money on more 80+ mile trips every week...I'm such a bitch.
I picked up the new Used CD today.
But, I can honestly say that it makes me want to have sex with just about anything that moves.
*sigh* So great.
The highlight of my day, I think.
I read Psychosis 4.48 last night.
After seeing the play with Daniel and Alicia a few months ago...I ordered the actual text from Amazon.
I think I enjoyed reading it more than seeing it at the Paper Heart.
I need some more reading suggestions because I'm going crazy over here...I don't know what to do with myself for the next week and a half.
*sigh* I don't think I've ever been this excited for summer school to start up :(
Have 2 job interviews lined up for tomorrow and Thursday afternoon.
I'm confident I'll land them biggie.
They both involve clerical whichever starts sooner is the one I'll be flocking to.
Yaaaaay for income!!
Drop a line.
Lets do something tonight.