Oct 05, 2006 13:26
Is it wrong that I just want to make out with about everything that walks past me right now??
Talk about some major frustration, huh.
It's been quite the week.
Rundown? Sure.
Skipped class all together on Monday. It was glorious, really.
Had some lunch with Nickee on Tuesday over at the Macaroni Grill...yum. I keep forgetting how much I love that place.
Went to school the other day...
Engaged in a conversation that, summed up, stated I was fat and "not as attractive as I could be."
The source really has no room to talk considering he is nowhere near his normal, target weight.
Fucking douchebag.
So right now, I'm feeling kind of disgusting and unwanted.
Hence the wanting to make out with someone, pronto.
I'm capable of showing a gentleman a good time. Hell, a great time, or so I'm told.
Don't you come telling me I'm undesireable, mister...when getting turned on by you takes longer now than it did before. =X
Now that I've got THAT out of the way...
Work is a piece of shit and I want to leave uber bad...theres no where else that's hiring right now though, that I wouldn't mind working at. So I guess I just need to suck it up and go with it.
Religion is bothering me right now.
I had a talk with Nickee the other day that really got me to thinking...and now I can't stop.
God is there to talk to, sure. But once you bring him into your reasoning for doing things--I think it's pretty...uhm...interesting? I've never heard of God as a scapegoat...that's pretty neat.
I guess I should consume myself with religion, too, so that I have something to blame my shitty decisions on.
That's to no one specific, really. It was a generalized comment due to recent observation. My mother has always had faith..she was never really religious, although she goes to church every other week. Her, and a few others, are beginning to say "But this was predestined by God."
God hasnt "predestined" anything.
God isn't Santa Claus either.
You pray to talk to God. Not to ask him for favors and hope they come true.
If everything was "predestined," what would your prayers be worth? He's already decided guys, you shouldn't be asking him for anything if you believe he's already planned out your future.
Arghness to the max!
I've gone to Catholic school's all my life...and am just now realizing that I was fed a lot of bullshit. Sure, some makes sense, but others are completely off.
I have my faith. I don't believe in having to go to Church...having to pray every night...or anything like that.
My relationship I have with MYSELF and MY personal beliefs, whether they involve a higher-being or not, are my own and I shouldn't be criticized or looked down upon because of them.
What the fuck is with the Church asking for money at every god damn service, anyway?
Do I have to TIP God? Hey, God, you did an awesome job this week--here's a 5...keep the change.
And if you DONT "tip" him? Clergy men are on your ass.
You know...in order to get a discount at my former high school/my sisters high school...you have to be an active member of the Catholic church.
The Armenian Church that we attend doesnt fall under that category because it is Eastern Orthodox.
So, naturally, my mom would really like to save an extra 300$ a month. She signed onto St. Anne's parish and has donated 100.00 documented dollars, and over another undocumented $100 in cash, to the church...not to mention countless volunteer hours at the gift shop [souvenier, anyone? I personally enjoy the "I CAME TO CHURCH TODAY" t-shirts]
She spoke with the priest and apparently we haven't donated enough money to be considered for his sign-off on the discount.
What. A. Prick.
He was a smartass about it too.
Fuck that...fuck that right in the asshole and don't stop pumping until blood starts trickling down its left leg.
My mother has gone to services, helped at the gift store, donated money...all while participating as an active, very active, member at OUR church.
This child molester is giving her shit because none of her children are active in any of the youth groups St. Anne has to offer.
Sorry, Father, I don't want you touching me inappropriately.
Son of a god-damn bitch.
I apologize if this was offensive towards anyone; I'm not sure of everyones religious orientation on this site but my intention wasn't to bash you.
Just a personal observation that I needed to get out on my computer screen.
Done & Done.
Now that that's all over with...I'm going to go enjoy some pretzels and water...because I'm a fatty.