Dec 10, 2004 18:04
survey...yay : )
1.What is your first name? Haley
2. What is your middle name? Jeanne
3. What is your last name? Canniff
4. What grade are you in? 9th
5. What school do you go to? Saugus High School
6. What are your parents names? Sean and Andrea
7. What color is your hair? Brown
8. What color are your eyes? Hazel
38. Where do you want to live? somewhere near the beach...
39. Where do you want to go to College? not sure yet..
40. Where do you want to get married? mt. washington hotel in bretton woods
43. Where do you want to go for vacation? somewhere warm and with a beach
44. Where do you want to meet your husband/wife? doesn't matter to me
45. Where is your favorite place in the world? the beach
46. Bungee Jump? absolutely
47. Sky Dive? si
48. Fly on a plane? i have..
49. Eat road kill? about no
50. Kill someone? no
51. Gamble? why not?
52. Make a fool out of your self? ..that's a daily occurance
53. Tell someone you had a crush on them? oh yeah
54. Not talk for a day? i couldn't
55. Go Skinny dipping? ...done that
56. Talk to yourself in public? nah
57. Steal?
58. Who would you want to go to heaven with you? mi familia y amigos
59. What would you take with you? same as above
60. Who would be the last person you would want to say something to? hm..
61. Who would you like to talk to when you get to heaven? my grampy : )
62. What would be the first thing you eat when you get to heaven? ice cream
70. Loudest: all of them are wicked loud!
71. Quietest: ha..i wish they were quiet
72. Funnest: they are all fun
73. Caring: ashley...jocelyn...patrick
74. Athletic: most of my friends are athletic
75. Slowest reacting: hm..
76. Fastest reacting: patrick
78. Biggest Flirt: stephanie
79. Best Smile: sarah
80: Funniest: ashley
81. Weirdest: they are all weird
82. Crazyiest: the are all out of their minds
83. Shyest: hm...ashley at times
84. Most Talkative: gabrielle
85. Understanding: they are all understanding
87. Outgoing: ashley..patrick...rutledge...lindsay
88. Annoying: we won't mention names : )
89. Honest: i hope they are all honest
90. Trustworthy: i trust them all
91. Boy/Girl crazy: cori
WHO (of your friends)
92. Who have you known the longest? ashley...josh
93. Who knows the most about you? ashley, jocelyn, gabz
94. Who can cheer you up? depends...
95. Who do you talk to most on the phone with? ashley
96. Who do you go to the movies the most with? the movie crew
97. Who do you talk to the most in school? croft...cori...rutledge
98. Who do you have the most sleepovers with? ashley and jocelyn
99. Who comes to your house the most? ashley
100. Whos house do you go to the most? ashley/patrick
101. Who tells you the most? um...ashley and patrick
102. To become famous? ashley
103. To get married? i hope everyone gets married
105. To go to Harvard? lindsay : )~ ashley...patrick...jill...the list goes on
106. Never get married? hmm...
107. To become an atlete? jill
108. To have the most kids? jocelyn
109. To never have kids? um i don't know
110. TO become a rockstar? rockstar?
111. To become a model?
112. To skydive? rutledge...lindsay
113. To become an astronaut? rutledge (since he says he want to)
114. To be on Survior? ashley..
115. To travel the world? patrick
117. To not go to Prom? um...
120. What do you care most about in your life? familia, amigos, school, sports
121. Whats one thing you want to have done in your life be for you die? get married and have kids
122. If you won a million dollars what would you spend it on? buy a house near the ocean and get a mustang
123. Have you ever sleepwalked? no
124. Have you ever snored? yes
125. Have you ever talked in your sleep? i don't think so
126. Would you ever eat a bug? ew no
127. Have you ever kept your new years resolution? does anyone ever?
128. Have you ever laughed so hard your drink came out of your nose? yes
129. Have you ever played dress up? yeah
130. Have you ever been on stage? yeah
131. Have you ever snuck out of your house? yeah
133. Do you daydream? all the time
134. Do you like the internet? sure
135. Whats your favorite color? pink
136. Do you like surveys? sure
137. Would you ever make your own survey? would be stupid : )~
Have you ever been in love? maybe
Have you ever been cheated on? not that i know of
Are you a virgin? yes
How far have you gone with someone? no comment
Are you currently seeing\messing\taken\single? single...
What is the sweetest thing that someone has ever done to you? um...last july...don't wanna explain this whole thing lol
Do you have a crush on anybody? yes
What would you do for love? ..a lot of things
How many people have you kissed? not enough
How many guys/girls have you gone out with? a bunch
What was your longest relationship? like...5 months
When was the last time your heart was broken? this summer
Kissed someone? yeah
Kissed someone with a tongue ring? no..but that could be fun
Loved someone so much that it made you cry? yeah
Kissed someone of the same sex? ew no
Gotten drunk and woken up in an unknown place? no
Taken drugs? no
Gone out with your friend's ex? yeah...
Gone out with someone a friend liked? no that's not cool
Helped someone cheat on their boyfriend\girlfriend? probably
Given or Received Oral Sex? ..
Run around completely naked? no lol
Met someone off AOL? no
Tried to commit suicide? nah
Gone skinny-dipping? yeah...good times good times
Cried: like last week
Laughed: like 5 minutes ago
Took a shower: last night
Listened to music: right now
Watched a movie: yesterday
Played a videogame: um...a long time ago
Called someone: earlier today
Missed someone: right now : (
Drove someone crazy: today
yeah that was cool. anyways today was muy interestante. in biologia we took a very hard test which i so failed, and then melchionno gave us a speech about how someone cheated and there is gonna be some "investigating." yeah..okay. then the rest of the day was just whatever. then i walked home IN THE RAIN with patrick and ashcroft. i stopped to talk to emily for like 20 minutes then i went to my house. when i got home i packed for new york for like 2 was some intense packing. then i went to run some errands with my dad and now i'm just chillin' and waiting for my ma to come get me and take me to get my shox : ) then i'm coming home and going to bed...NY in the morning..yay!! i'll update when i get home!! i'll miss you's!
<3 haley
15 days...