Apr 30, 2005 23:54
Station 1 | ABOUT YOU
Call me: haley
Height: 5'1 biatch
Hair Color: brown-ish blonde-ish
Eye Color: blue-ish green-ish
Where I'm at: my casa
Station 2 | HAVE YOU EVER...
Fallen off the bed?: yeah more than any normal person should ever in their life
Failed a subject?: never ever
Had a dream come true?: yeah
Station 3 | CURRENTLY
Wearing: p.j pants and a sweatshirt
Eating: nothing
Feeling: confused
Chatting with: mike, sam, p-mag ryann, and kyle
Listening: nothing
Station 4 | DO YOU...
Brush your teeth?: yes I do
Joke?: all the time
Have any piercings?: yup
Believe in GOD?: yeah
Station 5 | FRIENDS
Do you hang out with the opposite sex?: yeah
Do you consider yourself popular?: nah
Do you trust your friends: yeah
Are you a good friend?: ask them
Can you keep a secret?: yeah
Station 6 | LAST PERSON YOU...
Talked to on da phone: joe
Yelled at: my mom
Turned down: eh ..
Station 7 | PERSONAL
What was the worst day of ur life?: um .. there has been a few
Station 8 | FAVOURITE
Food: pizza
Movie: like infinity of them..
Song: time of your life - greenday
Ice cream flavor: oreo
Magazines: cosmogirl
Day of the week: friday
Color: pink
Station 9 | DO YOU...
Like to walk in the rain: yes
Like to eat exotic foods: no thanks
Like to kiss someone right now: I would love to
Like to hit someone right now: nah
Like to be a celebrity: that’d be sick
Station 10 | ARE YOU...
Mean / Evil: sometimes
God fearing: nah
Missing someone right now: yes
Station 11 | IF YOU...
Could be an animal, you would be a/an?: um .. ?
Could be a celebrity?: that woman who is having heath ledgers baby = ) can I have an amen to that?
Could have another name?: um .. ?