Aug 28, 2004 10:33
Okay LAst night this kid kept calling me I swear he called about.. 30 times. I wouoldn't pick up. And when i did pick up i was like wht the hell do u want ? And hes like ever since the night i met u I have bee thinkin about u . And im like I don't even know u . And im like all i did was say Hey. and hes like I kno but i can't get u off my mind. (freaky) Well anywayz. Then i was like yea well I like some1 (michael) And hes like what am i that ugly an im like no I really do his name is michael. And hes like ur missing out i would treat u well. An im like ok. And hes like i would treat u way better then this michael kid. And im like sucks. An then hes like wtf is ur deal. and im like uhmmm. then i hung up. holy shit. so annoying snd creepy. And I also answered and im like what u keep caling and im asleep so i ignor it what do u want . and hes like come sleep in my navigaor we can watch porn and have sex it will be fun . and im like no it won't and hes like Yea it will. And im like Nope. Sorry. then i hung up agin.
ha. Weirdos. He does have a pimped out Navigator tho. Lol.