Jul 24, 2006 00:29
I am in the BEST mood ever of my life!!!!...
I told Geoff i loved him like..i was in love with him. He read it & we talked about it. this was all yesterday.
well today he beeped me & we started talking. he wants me to come see him tuesday. so i said i'll try. lmao.
Well anyways. when we were getting off the fone. I said "I love you.' he said 'Love you too"
My jaw dropped & i looked over to Brandi. she started laughing cuz of how fast my look came.
That made my night. hell..it made my YEAR..lmao.
Brandi's year has been made too. the love of her life told her he had feelings for her too. i am so0o0o0o happy for her!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get to see sam tomorrow. heck yes...then after that i'm going to brittany & Kory's to chyll wiff them & willy..YAY =]...
Then tuesday imma try & go see my love..=D
♥ Chelsey.