Apr 05, 2005 22:00
Around 145 i walked to the high school. When i got there, school hadnt gotten out yet. But Twitch, Christina, Melvin and Kaylie Melanson were outside. So i sat with them for like a minute and then the bell rang for school to get out. Me Sam Tedesco Twitch and Christina all walked to the center. Me and Sam waited outside while Tedesco got her nails done. We saw Jess walking and talked to her for a few. After that me and sam walked Tedesco almost the whole way to her work then turned around and walked back to my house. We ate some food and watched ValleyGirl! ahaha I just cant get enough of that movie. Then we went with my dad to Dunks. and Convinent38. After that my dad had bowling. Me and Sam went but decided to go walk around for a while since it was wicked nice out. So we did. After walking around the center back and forth and stopping to sit a couple times, we walked to library park to see who was there. Nick, Jack, Joe, Joe and other peeps were there playing basketball. All the other kids left and it was the four boys and me and sam. I asked if I could play and they said yeah! I suck at basketball for the most part. The only good thing i got going for me is that I'm kinda tall for my age:) Anyways me and sam stayed there til like 845. I played basketball for like 2 hours. It was madd fun. I totally beat the boys at it too.. ahahaha NOT! i did alright though. After that me and sam walked back to the bowling alley to meet up with my dad. Sam left around 9ish. Then i waited for my dad to finish and went home and ate some food. The bugs at the field were horrible though. I got eaten alive. Not to mention Joe shouldered me in the face and i kept getting hurt from either Sam pushing her hip into mine or the Other joe hurting me! hahah. my day was like "totally bitchen".."for shure" lmao. valley girl is a tritubular movie!:) That's about it. Tomorrow we have english MCAS. which is like totally sooo uncool. UGH. but tomorrow i get to be in accounting for the first time this week. ahahhaah. skipping class and a day of school is soooo coool:)
Sam- "The bugs are following us."
Me- "Uhm Sam, I think that means we smell?:/"
What an awesome day i had wiff my girlfrienddddd:) hahaha