I wish.
I was creative, talented, artistic.
I wish, when I saw a picture in my mind, I could draw or paint it.
So that maybe some day I could capture what words can’t.
But instead, I have to paint with words,
The pain and the regret.
The trials and errors.
The wrongs and rights.
How I want to burn the world,
So that maybe they might see,
All that they do to you and me.
I wish.
That coffee smelled the same,
and didn’t remind me of times from the past.
I wish that when I visit the places from my past,
That a part of my heart wouldn’t tug and ache.
Memories of my past sand strong until they are made anew.
I wish.
With all that I am
and all that I have,
That I could see you tonight.
A part of me is crying,
But the tears wont come.
They just aren’t there.
I wish I could give up on this shitty ass life,
throw in the towel and move back home.
So that I might see you tonight,
if only for a few minutes.
For a moment,
I’d shake the world.
Originally published at
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