R e l a t i O n s h i p s.....
01. Fallen for your best friend? yEp
02. Made out with JUST a friend? nO
03. Been rejected? nOpe
04. Been in love? nOpe
05. Been in lust? yEp
06. Used someone? nO wAy I wOuldn't dO thAt
07. Been used? prObAbly
08. Cheated on someone? nOpe
09. Been cheated on? prObAbly
10. Been kissed? In trUth or dAre//spIn thE bOttle yEs, Otherwise nO =[
11. Done something you regret? yEp
W h o w a s t h e l a s t p e r s o n . . .
12. You touched? my littlE cOusIn, I ticklEd hIm!
13. You talked to? dAddy
14. You hugged? my sIstEr
15. You instant messaged? kylE
16. Kissed? err iOnO!
17. You yelled at? erm iOnO
18. You laughed with? chArIty
19. You had a crush on? nIck or tAylOr =p
20. broke your heart? ...
D o Y o u ?
22. Color your hair? hIghlitEs!!
23.Have tattoos? nOt yEt!
24.Piercings? 2 in bOth my ears and my bEllY buTTon SoOon!! :p
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? haha nO =[
26. Floss daily? cAnt, BRACES duH
27. Own a webcam? nOpE
28. Ever get off the damn computer? err YeS!
29. Sprechen sie deutsche? SuRe! dutch?
30. Habla espanol? Si
G e n e r a l Q u e s t i o n s
40. Considered a life of crime? hehe nO
41. Considered being a hooker? of CoUrSe!!! :p
42. Considered being a pimp? hEllz YeA, i GoTs my BitchES n HoEs!!
43. Are you psycho? **twitches**
44. Split personalities? nO
45. Schizophrenic? hehe nO
46. Obsessive? i CaN be
47. Obsessive compulsive? pRobabLy
48. Panic? nO
49. Anxiety? er nO
50. Depressed? I can Be
51. Suicidal? nOpE
52. Obsessed with Hate? hehe nO
53. Dream of mutilated bodies? ..nO
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? yEa
R a n d o m S t u f f . . .
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? aT disnEyLand w/ ALL my FrIenDs!!!!
56. What would you be doing? riDinG riDes and HanGin w/ MiCkEy MoUse!!!!
58. What are you listening to? KISS duh!
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? Belly Dance!! =O
60. Chicken or fish? well it SAYS the chicken hy the sea.. or of the sea.. i must've read it rong XD
61. Do you have a favorite animal, no matter how lame it may be? YES!!! THE BEAUTIFUL FOX!! <33
C u r r e n t l y :
62. Current Clothes: baBy blUe taNk ToP, plaId pJs pAnTs, SliPpeRS :p
63. Current Mood: my tummY and My bAk huRts =[
64. Current Taste: pOpcOrN
65. Current Hair: hAlF-pOny
66. Current Annoyance: my TeeTth hUrt,I goT them TiGhtEnd YestRdaY =[
67. Current Smell: Sex on the Beach, the oil I'm burning in my room
68. Current thing I ought to be doing: sleEpIng
69. Current Desktop Picture: Chris Pine <3
70. Current Favorite Group: ..
71. Current Book: The Usual Rules
72. Current DVD In Player: Pirates of the Caribbean, and the Breakfast CluB
73. Current Refreshment: mIlk!!!!
74. Current Worry: nothIn
F a v o r i t e s :
76. Food: chOcOlAtE chIp cOOkIe DoUgH icE creAm!!
77. Drink: Fanta JuIcEs!
78. Color: PINK! <3
79. Shoes: er converse <3
80. Candy: Skor Bars, and Gummy OcToPuSsEs!
81. Animal: fox!
82. Movie: The Princess Bride is my number one fav, but i have SO many
83. Dance: Belly and SalSa! :p
84. Vegetable: Lima Beans and AsPaRaGuS!
F u t u r e :
85. What do you want to be when you get older? famOus and/or SuCceSsFul! :p
86: Married?: YeA i GuesS
87: Kids?: 2 or 3
88: Living Where?: England!
T h i s o r T h a t :
89: Gay or straight??: strAight as a boArd!
90: Boxers or Briefs: bOxerS
91: Reading or Writing: mm I love both tho =[
92: Basketball or Baseball: bAseball!!!!
93: Walking or Running?: wAlkiNg
94: Reading or Writing: ... ((refer to ? #91))
95: Left or Right? Your RiGht, I lEft =]
96: TV Shows or Movies?: mOviEs.. I guEss
97: Britney or Christina?: bRitnEy by FAR
98: Rap or Rock?: EithEr/oR :p
99: Day or Night?: niGht tIme :p